The goal of transsexual surgery (sex change surgery) is to provide an aesthetically attractive and functional result which permits both effortless intromission and full orgasmic potential. Creation of an adequate vaginal pouch, a sensate and hooded clitoris, and a feminine vulva with delicate labia are paramount. Ultimate conjugation of the labial axis to the anterior midline (fourchette or commissure) requires a second stage procedure called a labiaplasty. To maintain and extend vaginal depth, medical grade dildos will be worn for a portion of each day. After suitable wound healing, sexual activity is a natural way to establish the permanency of the result.
Orchiectomy Procedure
The Orchiectomy Procedure is an independent procedure that can be performed for those who wish to eliminate testosterone surge and achieve some degree of secondary feminization without complete penectomy and vaginoplasty.
As this is an irreversible procedure, 2 letters of therapy clearance are required. One therapist (psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, sexologist) must have a doctoral degree, and one of the two therapists must know the patient for an extended period of time. Conceivably one of the two therapists can satisfy the requirements for a doctoral degree and knowing the patient for an extended period of time. Consideration may be given to sperm banking prior to orchiectomy.
Female to Male (FTM) Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS) - Sex Change Surgery
- Metoidioplasty
- Penile Implantation for the Neo-Phallus patient
- Insertion of Testicular Implants into Labia
A. Metoidioplasty or Metaidoioplasty (phallic clitoral enlargement, stand to void) - Sex Change Surgery
The procedure confers the advantage of minimal surgery with preservation of natural sensation and erectile function. Donor site forearm scars avoided. Overweight patients may achieve greater length with pubic lipectomy which will recess the body surface line.
In this sex change procedure the clitoral hood is lifted and the suspensory ligament of the clitoris is detached from the pubic bone, allowing the clitoris to extend out further. When the female tissues have been primed with testosterone, the clitoral head may resemble an adolescent glans penis. An embryonic urethral plate must be teased away from the underside of the clitoris to permit outward extension and a visible erection.
For those patients who desire to void standing after this sex change proceedure, the urethra is extended into the neo-penis. This may be accomplished simultaneously or performed secondarily using either a vaginal flap or buccal mucosal graft.
Please understand in that metoidioplasty (sex change surgery) involves a fair amount of tissue transfer, some degree of post-operative swelling is expected. Complications may include but are not limited to less than anticipated length, torquing of the clitoris (usually amenable to release), loss of sensation, tissue necrosis, localized infection, persistent tenderness or hypersensitivity, transient or permanent narrowing of the vaginal opening which may render the vagina incapable of penile penetration, urethral narrowing, urethral obstruction, and urethral fistula (leakage of urine anywhere along the pathway of urethral extension). Between the first and second stages leading to urethral extension, voiding patterns and trajectory may be forwards or backwards and may splash wetting perineal, labial and vaginal skin.
B. Penile Implantation for the Neo-Phallus patient.
A penile prosthesis confers the wherewithal to penetrate which may be the defining moment for a successful conclusion to gender reassignment surgery. Clearly the intimacy of complete sexual contact is sought equally by patients and their partners.
C. Insertion of Testicular Implants into Labia.
This should be performed as a procedure unto itself or with urethral extension to minimize complications. To prepare the labia majora for implantation, a tissue expander may be employed for a few months. This also creates a more pleasing scrotal appearance.
Labiaplasty - (Labia Minora Reduction)
Labiaplasty is offered to women with excessive, redundant labia who suffer from unsightly contour lines and physical discomfort. Such women report pinching or chafing when sitting or walking, hindrance during intromission, and difficulty maintaining hygiene during menses or after defecation.
Overly pigmented and unattractive labia can be reduced with a V-plasty technique that converges freshened margins in a neat concealable line. Delicate, minimally reactive, self absorbing plastic surgery suture is employed.
Pre--operative expectations are discussed in a relaxed environment. Reassurance regarding normal variation is provided. Areas of intended excision are delineated for patient approval with hand held mirror.
Surgery can be performed on an outpatient basis. Sexual activity may be resumed in 6 weeks. Excessive clitoral hood tissue may also be trimmed during this procedure as requested and is covered by our comprehensive fee.
Breast Augmentation
Breasts are universally recognized as a symbol of nourishment, love, femininity and sexuality. Breast augmentation is the second most popular cosmetic procedure performed (following liposuction), about 254,000 cases per year in the United States.
Breast prostheses applicable for standard implantation are typically saline filled and those for reconstructive surgery may be cohesive silicone gel filled. Cohesive gel implants when cut on the laboratory bench maintain their shape and do not leak. Perhaps in a few years cohesive gel implants could be used without restriction.
Prostheses come in difference profiles and some are anatomical in shape, i.e. tear dropped, being fuller in the lower pole.
The average expectancy of a saline filled breast prosthesis is about 16 years. However the likelihood that revisionary surgery will be performed within 5 years is about 25% across the board. The most common reasons for implant replacement are for request of size change 37%, leakage or rupture 24%, capsular contracture 18%.
Compare this with a 3% incidence of re operation in Dr. John Tebbetts series involving about 1662 patients with a 7 year followup. Careful matching of the implant to the unique anatomical features of the patient explains this.
Generally I subscribe to the Tebbetts formula for appropriate size. Oversizing creates many problems including early drooping (pendulous weight effect) and "double bubble." A distortion when the base of the implant below is seen distinctly from the base of the natural breast, above, which is of lesser circumference.
Breasts as they occur naturally are not perfectly symmetrical, "sisters not twins." Some balance can be achieved by differential filling and placement. Cleavage does not occur naturally and attempts to place implants so close as to achieve this may result in synmastia, the touching of one breast prosthesis against another.
The subpectoral approach is desired especially when pinched skin thickness is narrow in the upper pole (that breast tissue above the areola). This provides greater coverage of the implant. However, an implant is seldom entirely covered by the pectoralis muscle and is really bi-planar, partially sub-glandular in the lower outer quadrant where the pectoralis muscle is absent.
Athletes should avoid a subpectoral approach as it might impede pulling.
The two most popular in incisions are inframammary and periareolar. Other procedures include transaxillary (through the arm pit) or transumbilical.
The early detection of breast tumors may be slightly enhanced with prostheses although there may be some technical problems with compression during mammography.
Scarring can be minimized by taping over the incisional area for 3 months.
Massaging post implantation may reduce capsular contracture which can occur in 8 percent of patients, but can also result in some migration secondary to broadening of the pocket.
Anticipate a variable degree of pain for 3 or 4 days, associated with tissue stretching.
With respect to the ability to successfully breast feed after breast implantation, one study reported up to 64% of women with implants who were unable to breast feed compared to 7% without implants. The periareolar incision site may significantly reduce the ability to successfully breast feed.
Male Chest Reconstruction
Male Chest Reconstruction usually precedes below the waist surgery for FTM patients as protruding breast contours are a sin quo non of the female presentation.
While for very small breasts a peri-areolar skin excision can be performed, the problem of maintaining an adequate pedicle to support the nipple areolar complex without protrusion of the pedicle through the skin becomes challenging. Bringing skin into the borders of a contracted areola will cause puckering which hopefully with time will smooth out. A permanent fixation suture is often required to prevent tension on the suture line from causing a slowly expanding scar.
A transverse inframammary incision with free nipple areolar grafts is my preferred approach. If there is too much blousing of the skin, the alternatives are to extend the incision laterally (chasing a dog ear) or to make a vertical midline incision (inverted T).
The areola is trimmed to a pre agreed upon diameter and the nipple sectioned with a pie shaped excision and reconstituted.
Although the patient must be cautioned there may be varying sensory loss because of nerve disruption, our limited experience has been favorable in this regard as distal nerves are known to regenerate.
Nipple areolar grafts must be kept wet with saline soaked gauze re-moistened every 3 hours for at least 5 days to maintain tissue viability until capillary buds grow into the graft.
Plan on having a roommate or spouse do this for you throughout the night.
Some crusting of the grafts is not unusual and will usually shed by the 3 or 4th week. By all means do not lift or pick them off as the adherence of the graft may be very tenuous and its viability very fragile.
After tissue settling some revision surgery may be required and is usually done for a nominal fee relating only to use of the facility and anesthetic services if required (as opposed to being done under local).
Breast sizes greater than a C, need to be done in hospital setting.
Sex Change Operation Before and After Image (M-F)
Click on the image to see the detailed page of sex change (gender reassignment) operation. If you've just had your lunch or planning to have one, I suggest to view this page later.
I used to be very closed-minded. I thought it was sick to be gay or transsexual, etc.
ReplyDeleteHowever, while chatting online, I encountered a very sweet young woman who I enjoyed chatting with. And she is a transsexual. But while she was very open to talk about it, she wasn't in myface about it either. It's just who she is. She was pre-op then, but just recently she has had her surgery, and is still in a lot of pain, but she's managing. I have been sending her daily emails of support and encouragement, and she appreciates it.
My attraction to her is not some twisted version of a sexual fetish... no, she's just a nice, human being. To me, that's more important than what is (or is not) between her legs. I feel blessed to call her a friend, and indeed, eventually I would like to meet her in person. But our relationship is as friends. I have not, nor will I ever, think of her as a sexual plaything, or as a freak, or someone with a mental illness... she was just born in one body with the mind of another, and she has taken the steps she needed to feel right about who she is. I fully support her, and applaud her for having the courage to do what's right for her, not what everyone else thinks.
And, as a good friend, I love her very much.
alrighteee then .
ReplyDeleteI respect you for that bro, alot of peopleare very ignorant and are quick to judge and point fingers. Every person desserves a chance no matter what he or she looks like. Aslong as they are a genuinly good person then we all need to learn to love eachother and appreciate eachother.
ReplyDeleteI'm not trying to step on anyones toes here. if i offend someone i apologize now, and i truly mean it.
ReplyDeleteI'm a 19 year old guy, my initial reason for coming on the sight was to see it from a medical standpoint. how well our technology is. As far as the whole debate of right and wrong, i believe it depends. I know one guy who left his family and friends because he finally came out of the closet. later doctors found an ovary. In that case i agree with a sex change. In a case where you just want to (I can't imagine what it actually feels like, want to, need to, etc..) i believe it's wrong. I do believe in god, in case anyone was wondering. But i don't judge people, and i certainly wouldn't bash someone for a choice they made. PERSONALLY i think it's wrong, but maybe that's just how i feel about myself. Good Luck to all trans-genders, you picked a tough road to travel.
p.s Almost Everyone seems to be very hypocritical, that means transgenders and bible thumpers(Which is a really kickass name).
transgendered people didn't pick that hard road that you speak of..
ReplyDeleteit's not a want. it's a need. just think if one day you woke up and DIDN'T have a penis, when everything in your mind said you should have one, because you are a boy. you would get surgery, so that your mind and your body matched. because you needed to.
I find it very sad that so many "bible thumpers" feel the need to condemn and judge others(ones I read after clicking on the pics). I am a straight, married, 33 year old female that happens to be a Christian.....I don't think God makes mistakes. But I DO think that the people that opt for this operation were truly born in the wrong body. These people aren't a mistake, they were just given a tougher road to walk on to reach their happiness in life. Why would ANYONE choose to change genders? I mean seriously. We all have our opinions and that's fine--but God would have you show these people compassion, not such utter rudeness.
ReplyDeletewhat exactly does a surgeon accomplish with these so called sex change operation. if it is not the real thing, you can NEVER make it to become the real thing. you remain what you are at the very core, no surgical procedure can change that. those who believe in God are right to condemn such acts of ingratitude, acts that are carried out in their selfish and moments of insanity. insanity, thats what it is.
ReplyDeleteNot all of these chose to be like it plus they are not comfortable with there body and add on it is not a choice to tell the truth if they asked god in their heart .It isn't fun the are trying to be happy .
DeleteI don't think you understand who wrote above me... the person whom is at the core is who the person is bringing out.. this is not some made up fascade... this is who they truly are... at the core.
ReplyDeleteIm a 34yo male to female post-op. I had my surgery 11 yrs ago.
ReplyDeleteI didnt enjoy spending tens of thousands of dollars on painful surgery . I did it because i could only identify being female.
Im just lucky im not tall and dont have big hands or feet. I consider myself successful, i have a job , i own a house and i have a supportive boyfriend.
I still have insecurities and issues like anyone...but i know i didnt choose to become a transexual, i was born that way!!!
Unless you realy understand what im talking about dont say a word!
ok how do you know if it is a man who turned into a woman. cause iw as with this "girl" who has transsexual friends and only hangs out with gay people. as well several other clues lead me to think that she is a he. but what im trying to get at is how can you be for sure. i went down to grab the vag and found it to be dry. which in my perspective never happens to me. its always wet.
ReplyDeleteIt's the nineteen year old back again and i just wanted to say, after careful consideration, that i don't like this blog. people try to attack people. NOT THE SUBJECT! Also, I agree with the 33 year old female. We do not have the right to judge, we are to show all of god's creations with compassion.
ReplyDeleteim a 19 yr FEMALE. but, ever since i was about 5 years old i used to tell my parents i was supposed to be a boy. now if ur trying to tell me i CHOSE to have a life this hard then you are sadly mistaken. i live as a male and have HETEROSEXUAL girlfriends. i want to get the surgery but there is no way i can afford it. im dying to have my chest done and start testosterone but im not financially capable. my life is hard, especially being so young and having people talk so much trash. but i cant help who i REALLY am and what my body physical portrays. being transgendered is something i look at as a type of birth defect..i mean would u make fun of a person with Down Syndrome? did they choose to be born that way? its the same thing. i believe in God myself, and no he doesnt make mistakes, im NOT a mistake, he gives us all trials and issues to deal with and this is mine. it has tested my faith many times but i always find a only if i could find a way to get what i need done...damn
ReplyDeleteSex change is a very serious topic to talk to and a very serious Medical procedure, so pick the righ Doctor.
cosmetic surgery upland
Hi, I am a 37yr old *female*. I can remember back to when i was very young.. I always told my mother I was a boy not a girl. I cried and threw tantrums when they tried dressing me as a girl. I chopped off my hair at a very young age. I was miserable growing up as a female. At the age of 12 I shaved my hair off threw away any girl clothes my mother bought me and went to her and told her, I am a boy, stop treating me like a girl. I put on some clothes I took from my older brothers, took whatever I could fit into a backpack and ran away because my mother refused to accept who I truly was. After several weeks on the streets, a few failed suicide attempts my mother finally decided to try to accept me, and I went back home. From then on I continued to dress as a male, had lots of male friends, had a few girlfriends and still felt lost in my body. Once my brest started growing and menstruation started things just went downhill all over again. I got really depressed, tried everything I could think of to hide my breasts (which i still do to this day because I cannot afford the surgery), I still dress as a male, and look alot like a male on the outside, but so lost inside my own skin. I have been so depressed, and cant find ways to deal with the situation. I am a male. I have no feelings of being a female at all. I would love to have the breasts removed. I hate them, I hate having to look at them. I hate what they represent. I am not that person they have me stuck with. I want to start hormone treatment. I cannot continue to live with this. The depression continues to get worse. I sleep all the time just so I dont have to see this shell I am stuck in. Could someone please help me get on track to getting the hormone therapy and any suggestions as to how I can do something about the breasts.. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I cant continue to live like this.. This isnt living, its pure hell..
ReplyDeleteI'm 24 and desire and dream that I was female. I been wanting to be a girl since I was young, I just felt I needed to be one. All my life I kept telling myself its wrong, its gay, ect. After seeing that its not just me that suffers from this feeling but others as well, I started to change my mind some. Currently I have grown small breast from taking herbal meds, I love them, They feel right to me and I want them bigger. Hopefully one day I can live the life I was meant to have, but till then I'm stuck as I am.
ReplyDeleteI'm a 32 year old male born into the conservative Christian family, who all hated my uncle because he was a homosexual. I was the only person that seemed to give him any support. When I was in highschool, I found that I spent most of my time only with women, eventually cross-dressing very often. I tried to hide my feminine feelings inside for years, as everyone I ended up getting to know was so ignorant and intollerant of transsexuals and homosexuals and any other "alternative lifestyles". When I was 21, after serving in the army, where I kept my feelings completely hidden, I knew I needed to have a transgender operation. I ended up not going through it because of lack of money. Another friend of mine recently has had her mtf transformation, and left her whole past behind her, moving across the country. I always supported her because I understood what she was experiencing. Trying to hide my feelings for so long has broken my masculinity to the point where I only just look like a male. Still having no money for the procedure is killing me slowly inside. I have been diagnosed with several mental illnesses, and because of depression eat too much so I weigh over 250 lbs, and doctors on websites I've searched on do not recomend gender reassignment surgery on men over 200 lbs. Isn't there liposuction? Why does the procedure have to take so long? I would just love to go into extended inpatient, instruct the doctor on how I'd like to look - with plastic surgery or anything like that, be put into a medically induced coma, fall asleep as the fat, ugly man I am currently, and wake up as a beautiful woman who is model material. I think that's what we all want is to be comfortable with our bodies. Why is there all this beating around the bush? It is medically and physically possible. Why do doctors deny it? They just don't have the skill needed for it, or the patience, and want to charge an arm and a leg for it. hell, we are already giving up one large part of ourselves! Having these feelings isn't sick. It's natural. I didn't always believe that, but after intense study, I know that it is natural. Why else would I feel this way? Even still, feeling like a woman, it's not so that I could be with men - I would most likely be a lesbian. Is there any help for us financially? Please help!!!
ReplyDeleteI am female and do not wish to change. However I have always wanted weight inside my labia. Is it possible to have small testicular implants put inside each and has it been done?
ReplyDeletehello i'm not trying to be rude or anything i am a 21 yr old female and have just come back from a trip to thailand , as you probly know there are alot of transexual women over there...please dnt be offended i was just curious to know before you get the sex change do you still masturbate ???
ReplyDeletewhere would I find a doctor to do FTM surgery and prep in Victoria BC? i cant go over to van that's outta the question cause i do not know that place well enough to walk around plus transportation would be an issue aswell, plz E-mail back to with your answer tyvm for the help
ReplyDeleteYES, people do "choose" to display/exhibit GLBT(P)behavior, it's a "lifestyle." I worked at the clinic in Trinidad, CO for awhile. People, gender reassignment is a crock! Unless one is lucky enough(because the rule is, men/women know if someone has attempted gender treassignment and they want nothing to do w/these people)find a person who will accept them, they lead a miserable life both physically and emotionally.
ReplyDeleteYou are SO ignorant its disgusting! Do you have ANY clue how stupid you sound?? No, probably not, you're one of those who "thinks" you are holier than thou and know everything so whats the point in trying to educate someone with such a pathetic closed mind. I know MANY GLBT individuals and NO you FOOL, they do not "make a choice" to become "gay" and do not "choose" a lifestyle that subjects them to IDIOTS like yourself. Luckily, there are more people that think like me than you. Those who are filled with the kind of judgement you possess were just raised wrong and it's obvious your parents raised an ignorant moron and didn't teach you that there is a LOT more than just straight, bible thumping, brain washed nim rods out there. As I said, no need to try and teach someone like you, by your statements you have proved your lack of depth, compassion and overall intelligence.
DeleteDo the world a favor, don't try "teaching" anyone something you're clearly not intelligent or knowledgeable enough to speak on. You came to this site for a reason tho, you probably have been a trans your whole life and just think you won't be "accepted". Awwwwww. Poor baby. If you step out of the closet, your life will be a lot easier to live.
"After approval," meaning that if I disagree w/gender reassignment people my comment will NOT be posted?? You people are sick, demented and unacceptable in society!
ReplyDeletePeople like YOU are who are REALLY unacceptable in society. I can't believe people who were raised as poorly as you and are filled with such ignorance still exist in this day and age. YOU are a disgusting human being, and guess what, don't speak on something you are clearly too STUPID to understand you ig'nant fool! I realize it's not your fault you probably had ultra judgy, pathetic, and obviously horrible parents...maybe they should have the sense slapped into them too? there's no way someone ends up as hateful and intolerant as you unless they had a horrible upbringing. Mommy and Daddy were probably the kind of drunks that are losers themselves but talk about everyone else like they are some will die a lonely person, and guess what, if you don't you'll end up with a nasty, mean spirited, evil, ugly son-of-a-bitch JUST like yourself.
DeleteFirst off why is everyone mentioning God, as far as I know there isn't one. This is about people who have a gender problem. Its to help inform them and the general public about their options. Please. Stop making this about your silly religious beliefs.
ReplyDeleteI am a transgender female, and at 43 am now deciding to go further with making changes with hormone treatment and breast removal....however, they really need to find better ways to give the "Whole Manly Feeling." Meaning, who wants a 2" penis? Ask any man around and if they do have such a small Penis,If they are getting very far in the sex dept.. Not being funny or cruel, but to me when I dress in "drag" I have a large penis and it is called "packing." Part of being male is your body and the way you look and feel about yourself. And I wouldnt feel so good with a small penis that would not satisfy a woman. I have been trans for 20 yrs. And have always used a strap on with a 11" penis. Never had any complaints and thats what I least 8". I have decided not to go all the way and since my "Wife" passed in 2006, I have no desire to be in another relationship. I just want to look in the mirror and see me as the man I really am inside. I have always dressed as a male, worked in a mans world, from construction to driving a semi, and I think like a man. So, please... "Someone", find a way to get us FTM a larger piece of the man hood we are in search of.
ReplyDeleteI have a girlfriend who was married and has two sons. Her husband has decided to become a woman. He has lived two years as a woman, taken the hormones and is now awaiting MTF gender reassignment surgery. He has received counselling to ensure that is what he wishes to do and have no regrets after the operation is carried out. My question is what about counselling for the rest of the family? What about the children? They may have feelings of "What happened to Dad?" What about the wife? She may feel guilty as if it's all her fault of something she did/didn't do in the marriage which has forced his hand. What about the parents? They thought they had a son. What about the siblings who they had they had a brother? I just think there needs to be consideration for the rest of the family who also needs to deal with their own emotions and understand what the recipient is going through. It might avoid alienation.
ReplyDeleteThis is a sinful world. Our bodies are also sinful. Paul says,"I was in my mother's womb a sinner". Back in the Bible days, they had eunuchs. These men had their balls removed so they had no sexual feelings. We all sinned and came short of God's grace. God gave us all the freedom of choice, which makes us higher than the four legged animals in the animal kingdom. If God did not desire for homosexuals/transgendered people to have surgeries, would he have given the doctors the knowledge to perform all these surgeries? I think not. Until you have walked a lifetime in these peoples shoes, glue your lips together.
ReplyDeleteI was born a boy and struggled with depression for years; not knowing why I was alienated or what exactly was different about me. I'm learning who I really am now at 22.
ReplyDeleteI've seen some beautiful souls here. I've seen some lost souls here. All in all, I'm inspired by the mixture of philosophies represented me hope for our species.
hey im an 18 year old ftm, all my life i have felt that something was different about me and i recall thruout childhood my desire to be male, iv only recently come out about my feelings to my partner and she fully supports me, except the treatments are to expensive apart from the testosterone it will be many years before the top surgery. it always irritates me when people who are against glbt community actively seek out and voice there opinions on the matter on what should be considered safe zones of the glbt community to voice there concerns and ask questions. so rather then seeking out to abuse us why not take that time to read into it and learn rather then closemindedly judge.
ReplyDeletethough its very good information about sex change surgery from male to female.seems quite impressive post
ReplyDeleteI am sort of young, a bit too young to start even thinking a gender change isn't weird (no offense but a lot of people my age do think this), and I think I want to be a boy. I'm afraid though, how would my parents react if I told them I want to be a boy? I'm afraid they would disown me, kick me outta the house, etc. Should I talk to my mom about it or something? My mom is a very strict person, but she says she will love me no matter what. Still, I don't know how she would react if i told her I want to be a boy...what should I do? Forget about wanting to be a boy and just be a girl? I don't want to run away from home...can anyone help?
ReplyDeletei am a 18 year old female. I do not wish to change my gender but i do want to voice some opinions.
ReplyDelete1). If you want to change your body that is YOUR choice and no one elses so please dont argue if someone wants to change thats their choice
2). No everyone here is religious. I saw someones post about saying if god didnt wants tansexuals to have a sex change then would he give doctors the knowledge to be able to perform the sergerie. now let me say thats just like saying if go didnt want people to get murdered then why would he give people knife weilding knowlege? all in all leave religion out of it. I am religious be were talking about the subject in hand not the bible.
thanks for reading. peace, love, unity, and respect.
I feel sorry for all of you. Not for feeling the way you do but for not being able to afford to be the person you already know you are. It must be very hard. I believe that if you desire something hard and long enough then you'll find a way to save save save until you can afford what you desire. I'm a single bi-sexual dad in australia and you people crap all over my problems.
ReplyDeleteRemember that there is always someone out there to listen (:
good luck ya'll
I just saw a movie on showtime called, Rene , look up Rene Pena , great movie. It was about a boy born into a girls body and I could look at the picture of the little child and tell that was supposed to be a boy . What was good about it was it really opened my eyes to the pain one goes through when born into the wrong body. I wanted my boyfriend to watch, it and he did. He's homophobic and it makes me so angry . I think it takes so much courage to follow through with the surgery . If anyone wants someone to talk to , email me at, thanks, Maria
ReplyDeleteIm not personally transgendered, but I have a few ftm and mtf friends. They're all wonderful people. If you're going to be all religious, you should consider the whole "judge not lest ye be judged' thing. I think if there is a god, he/she would care a lot more about people treating others horribly for the way they were born (glbtq is NOT a choice) than people being homosexual or transgendered
ReplyDeleteFather, you gave me life and made me a womam and blessed me with six amazing children and husband. I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you just as these people here have. I am truly sorry. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I ask you Lord Jesus to burden these individiuals hearts just as you have mine and help them mend their wicked ways and that they ask you into their life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to everyone on this page. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen! And Amen! Tonya Turner
ReplyDeleteI find the blog quite interesting I have wanted to go through the surgery myself for years now and i have been reading up so i know what happens when you go through it. i have many unanswered questions if any f to m people could help it would be lovely. please help if you can.
ReplyDeleteIm a 15yr old boy and I have been struggling with my transgender my whole life, when I was younger (I think about 3) I new I was a girl at heart and prayed everynight to go to sleep and wake up as a girl.... My pearents don't even know this. Cause I no they wouldnt believe me... or the would think it's a phase...
ReplyDeleteonly 3 more years and I can go and get the operation done
I just have to say I am SHOCKED by some peoples closed minded comments which disagree with this type of surgery...have you been born comfortable in your own gender??? I presume so!! Unless you can genuinely say that you have felt what these people have felt then dont feel the need to view your "opinions"!!! It disgusts me how people can be so closed minded. You people have not been born like this, you have not felt everyday that you should be a different gender so how have you got the right to judge??? I myself have been born into a gender I feel comfortable with, and I cannot imagine the pain of being born into the wrong body! Someone said earlier that you would not judge a person who has down syndrome and they are 100% right...try define the difference, you were born into a body that you dont feel comfortable with!!! And to speak about religion in relation to this??? What has religion got to do with a person who was born in the wrong gender???? I am an Irish catholic..I should be against this...but even I have the education to realise that people differ!! My god...I just basically hate people who judge!!!
ReplyDeleteI personally think the surgery is the right way to go. You live one life and you should be comfortable in your own skin. Not all of us are as lucky to be born comfortable in our own skin. I personally, wish to be neither gender but a combination of both. I feel my best when people can't tell if I am male or female. I think my thoughts on it go far beyond "just wanting to drag." But nevertheless, I do not have a name for whatever kind of gender identity crisis I have is called. I just want to be a sort of gender-bender.
ReplyDeleteWhy do i want to change into a slut so bad? well just a dirty lil girl who gets what she wants???? and it wouldnnt take much i got that ass n leg shit a pair of tits and a vagina id fuck myself all day n die happy please let me come back wit a vibrator in my twat when i die n wake up... how much does it cost.. can you like cryogenitcally freeze my penis incase i want to attach it back n i get tired of being a little bitch and having to suck dick n get fucked for eternity cuz i wanted it that way?
ReplyDeletei just whish , id been born the correct sex, i am married and in love with my wife i have 4 lovely children , but im am always so depressed, im too old to change the way i am a man and if had have known of these options when i were yonger would have taken them up , all i want now is a way to stop thinking im in the wrong body , im happy with my family, but not with my life
ReplyDeleteAnonymous March 26 2012,I do not know you but I will pray for you and hope you find peace.I will also suggest if possible you find a counselor to talk to.You should first deal with the depression then get to work on all the other stuff.I grew up in foster care with a very evil and wicked foster mother who called herself a CHRISTIAN and wished nothing but the worst for me.It took me ages to get over the abuse.But the thing I learned is that god is love.It's the devil that puts wickedness in the heart of men.I personally do not agree with all of this gender re-assignment surgery.So the only thing I can do is send you love and pray for you all and hope you find your way in this cruel evil world.
DeleteI just want to know why all you bible-bashin', moonshine drinkin', cousin-fuckin' god botherers are even ON this website?
ReplyDeleteShhhh... careful, sweet baby jesus might find out you're thinking about the same sex and you will burn in hell!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
There truly are some sick mother fuckers in this world.
ReplyDeleteMy 'husband' is considering the surgery. How do you know if you want to be female or you just want to dress like one? I am very supportive of whatever road 'he' chooses. I am Bi so it makes no difference to me. We have 2 kids tho and I'm worried about how it may affect them. Should we wait till they are old enough to understand?? We could use some advice....
ReplyDeleteI always spent my half an hour to read this website's articles all the time along with a cup of coffee.
ReplyDeleteSuch blogs are very difficult to locate and I appreciate this blog for having bulk of useful information on the sex change surgery topic.