Cosmetic Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Botox, Tummy Tuck, Breast Implant and Augmentation, Hair Transplant, Brow Lift

  • Saturday, October 27, 2007

    Chin Implants or Augmentation Photos

    Chin implant or augmentation surgery can alter the underlying structure of the face using surgical implants, providing better balance to the facial features.
    chin augmentation procedure
    This operation is often performed at the time of rhinoplasty to help balance the facial proportions. Below are some before and after pictures of chin implants.

    Courtesy Dr. Leonard Hochstein
    Courtesy Dr. Leonard Hochstein
    chin augmentation photo
    Courtesy Dr. Kayser -
    So are you having a chin implant surgery? It's not necessary that it'll look good on you so study in detail about cases gone wrong before having one.


    1. Where's Jay Leno? :)

    2. Chinedu Opara
      A weak chin is a serious issue to some people. You comment is unappreciated

    3. my chin looks like a mango, i have to fix it. how much does it cost for a chin implant that will last for a long long time. is the implant reliable? is the procedure painful?

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      Don't you think design should be changed from time to time?

      Hilary Benedict


    Feel free to post comments on whatever you think about surgery or anything.

    Hair Transplant

