Cosmetic Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Botox, Tummy Tuck, Breast Implant and Augmentation, Hair Transplant, Brow Lift

  • Saturday, November 1, 2008

    Sex Change Surgery Before and After

    I got this info page from and I thought it would be helpful to my visitors who're here looking for information and pictures of sex change surgery. So I made it my blog post.
    Beginnings of Sex Reassignment Surgery in Japan

    By Takamatsu Ako, M.D., Harashina Takao, M.D., Inoue Yoshiharu, M.D., Kinoshita Katsuyuki, M.D.**, Ishihara Osamu, M.D.**, Uchijima Yutaka, M.D.* **Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Gynecology*, Urology**, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical School, Japan


    The first sex reassignment surgery (SRS) performed officially in Japan - for a female-to-male (FtM) person in 1998 and for a male-to-female (MtF) person in 1999 - are reported. For the FtM, two-stage conversion was applied. In the first operation, salpingo-oophorectomy, hysterectomy, colpectomy, metoidioplasty, and mastectomy were performed. A free flap phalloplasty with the deltoid flap is planned as the second stage. For the MtF, one-stage neovaginoplasty was performed by penile skin inversion technique with sensate pedicled neoclitoplasty.


    Japan, which is considered to be one of the world's most advanced countries in terms of its economy, technology, industry, and medicine, has long been in the dark ages regarding people who suffer from gender dysphoria. In July 1996, the Ethics Committee of Saitama Medical School submitted a report, at our request, on surgical treatment for transsexual patients. The report acknowledges that transsexualism exists and that treating transsexual patients can be regarded as a justifiable medical activity. The report was made public by mass media. In 1997, the medical guidelines for transgender persons were issued by the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology, with some modifications of the Standards of Care of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association. We organized a medical team composed of psychiatrists, a sexologist, endocrinologists, gynecologists, urologists, and plastic surgeons.

    This is a report of the first sex reassignment surgeries (SRSs) officially performed in Japan: one for a FtM person in 1998 and one for a MtF person in 1999. Diagnosis, preparatory psychotherapy, and hormonal therapy were carried out according to the above-mentioned guidelines.


    SRS for a Female-to-Male Transsexual

    In the first operation, regarded as the first stage in the two-stage conversion, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, hysterectomy, colpectomy, metoidioplasty, and mastectomy were performed.

    First, the gynecologists performed a transabdominal oophoro-hysterectomy. Then they began to elevate the anterior vaginal flap through the abdominal approach. The elevation was completed transvaginally, just to the dorsal part of the urethral orifice, by plastic surgeons. The vaginal mucosa was resected, and colpocleisis was accomplished. After the abdominal wall was closed, we performed a metoidioplasty, as advocated by Hage (1996). By resection of the chordee, the clitoral shaft was released and abdominally advanced. The neourethra was constructed by suturing the vestibular skin, the vaginal mucosal flap and the labial flap around the urethral catheter in a watertight fashion (Figures 1, 2). A suprapubic cystostomy was performed and the urethral catheter was removed.

    Figure 1 Figure 2
    vaginal pipe insertion

    For the bilateral mastectomy, we used a modification of the concentric-circle periareoral de-epithelization technique reported by Davidson (1979). Resection of the breast gland and reduction of the nipple were performed by the transareolar approach described by Pitanguy (1966) and Hage and Bloem (1995) (Figures 3, 4).

    Figure 3 Figure 4
    breast reconstruction

    The estimated blood loss was 740 ml, and the total operating time was 6 hours. The postoperative course was completely uneventful. The suprapubic catheter was left in place for 7 days. The total hospital stay was 14 days.

    We are planning a free-flap phalloplasty as the second stage of the conversion. The patient desires the phalloplasty but at this time cannot afford the necessary fee which will amount to 2,500,000 yen (US$25,000).

    SRS for a Male-to-Female Transsexual

    A one-stage operation was performed in June 1999. The operative technique involved the following procedures: bilateral orchiectomy and penectomy followed by vaginoplasty, clitoroplasty, and vulvoplasty.

    For the vaginoplasty, we employed a modification of the abdominally pedicled penile-skin-inversion technique added by a triangular perineal skin flap (Karim, Hage and Mulder, 1996). A dorsally based triangular perineal flap measuring about 10 cm long and 4 cm wide was used to line the posterior wall of the neovagina and widen the introitus (Figure 5). The testes were isolated and then removed with a double ligation of the spermatic cord at the level of the external inguinal rings. The skin of the penile shaft was mobilized from the corpora up to the level of the corona. A circumcising skin incision was made at the corona, completely denuding the penis of its skin and leaving the glans penis attached to the corpora (Figure 6).

    Figure 5 Figure 6
    shaping the vagina sex change surgery picture

    The dorsal part of the glans penis was used as a clitoris. Sensate pedicled neoclitoplasty using the reduced glans, which remained attached to its dorsal penile neurovascular pedicle, was performed (Brown, 1976). The corpora cavernosa were resected to prevent postoperative pain due to erection of the remaining corpora tissues.

    A neovaginal cavity was created by dissection between the two layers of Denonvillier's fascia using a laparoscope placed in the abdomen as a guide. The created neovaginal depth was approximately 10 cm.

    The lower abdominal skin flap was dissected to about the level of the umbilicus, and this advancement of the flap in the inferior and posterior direction made it possible for the base of the penile skin tube to overlie the introitus of the neovagina. The perineal triangular flap was sutured to the posterior wall of the penile skin tube and the widened tube was then inverted to line the neovaginal cavity. The skin flap was incised in the middle and the urethra was brought out through the buttonhole and amputated at the urogenital diaphragm level. The urethral stump and neurovascular pedicled neoclitoris were sutured to the skin with interrupted sutures. A soft, individually selected urethane mold, placed in a condom, was inserted into the neovagina, and the mold was securely sutured to the perineum to prevent prolapse (Figure 7).

    Figure 7 Figure 8
    SRS surgery M to F result of penis to vagina

    The estimated blood loss was 760 ml and no transfusion was necessary. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged on the eighth postoperative day. She wore the dilating stent every day for 3 months postoperatively; nevertheless, the neovagina decreased in depth to 6 cm and in diameter to two fingers' width. The neoclitoris was found to have returned to a normal level of sensation (Figure 8). The patient has returned to her previous occupation.


    We believe that most FtM transsexuals desire closure of the vagina. However, we recognize the different view of some surgeons who consider the risk benefit to be rather high. Their reasoning is that most patients are not necessarily aware of the presence of the vagina because of decreased discharge after hysterectomy and atrophied mucosa due to long-term hormone therapy. We have found vaginectomy to be technically difficult and bloody and autotransfusion has a valuable place here. We have also found the vaginas of the Japanese FtM transsexuals we have examined to be very narrow compared with those we have observed elsewhere, so we have chosen to do transabdominal hysterectomies. The other advantage of the transabdominal approach is that the partial elevation of a sufficient size of the anterior vaginal flap and vaginectomy can be carried out from above, under direct vision (Figure 9).

    Figure 9 Figure 10

    sex change surgery image
    vagina turned to penis Figure 11

    In SRS for MtF transsexuals, we employed a laparoscope to assist in dissecting the vaginal cavity. Its light can help avoid injury to the prostate and rectum and can provide a direct view of the vaginal cavity up to the peritoneum.

    We are planning a free-flap phalloplasty as the second stage of the FtM SRS (Figure 10). We have experienced 13 cases of deltoid flap and 5 cases of forearm-flap phalloplasties in non- transsexual patients during the past 15 years (Figure 11). These techniques always result in extensive scarring of the donor area. Our first choice of donor site for phallic construction is the deltoid flap (Harashina et al.,1990) because it results in less morbidity in the donor site, is a true sensory flap, has hairless skin, and is less likely to result in atrophy of the neophallus. However, this technique may be technically more difficult than that with the forearm flap, and it may be impossible to make a roll on obese patients. We think the deltoid flap is especially suitable for Japanese FtM patients because they generally are not obese. In fact, they usually try to reduce their weight so that they will not be regarded as females.

    At the time of writing this paper, we have performed six SRSs: one for MtF and five for FtM. Four of the five FtM patients had already undergone mastectomies elsewhere. The SRSs were performed at the Gender Clinic of Saitama Medical Center, which was the only provider of transgender-specific health services in Japan as of March 2000. In total, over 400 clients have visited our clinic since the first patient arrived in 1992, and about 100 new gender dysphoric clients have been seen each year. Sixty percent of them seek SRS. While there are many candidates, we take our time before performing surgery because there are very few psychiatric specialists in this field in Japan and we must apply for permission from our ethics committee in each case.


    The first SRS operation in Japan was affirmatively reported all over the country and there was actually no public criticism. The operation was an historic turning point for the proper understanding of Gender Identity Disorder in our country.

    We are just on the starting line. Many issues remain to be resolved in promoting the welfare of our patients. Whereas public interest is steadily increasing and some acknowledgement of SRS seems to have become established, there is still no policy regarding health insurance and legislation for those who have undergone the procedure. SRS is not covered by National Health Insurance, and postoperative persons cannot yet change any of their documents. Our team is still the only practising gender surgery team in Japan, although two other teams are now being organized. Despite these difficulties, the role of SRS, performed justifiably, is becoming more prominent in the treatment of transsexualism in Japan.


    Brown, J. (1976) Creation of a functional clitoris and aesthetically pleasing introitus in sex conversion. In Marchac, D. (Ed.), Transactions of the 6th International Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Paris: Masson, pp. 654-655.

    Davidson, B. A. (1979) Concentric circle operation for massive gynecomastia to excise the redundant skin. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 63: 350-354.

    Hage, J.J. (1996) Metoidioplasty: An alternative phalloplasty technique in transsexuals. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 97: 161-167.

    Hage, J. J., Bloem J.J.A.M. (1995) Chest wall contouring for female-to-male transsexuals: Amsterdam experience. Annals of Plastic Surgery, 34: 59-66.

    Harashina T., Inoue T., et al. (1990) Reconstruction of penis with free deltoid flap. British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 43: 217-222.

    Karim, R.B., Hage J. J., and Mulder J. W. (1996) Neovaginoplasty in male transsexuals: Review of surgical techniques and recommendations regarding their eligibility. Annals of Plastic Surgery, 37: 669-675.

    Pitanguy, I. (1966) Transareolar incision for gynecomastia. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 38: 414-419.


    We are grateful to Doctor Joris J. Hage in the Netherlands for his valuable help in accomplishing this task.


    1. this is to eric and all other people who think killing random people in the mane of god is wrong. i am a terrorist from iraq and this is what i do and its sick. the people that do sex changes r gay as they oppose their real gender and want to change it. this is stupid and the surgery doesnt chang dna (deoxyribonucleacacid) or sex. it only adds a penis or vagina. big deal.

    2. all people that change sex r gay and stupid for makeing that wrongful deision.

    3. Al Quida.
      You're a fucking idiot.
      And a minority.
      Shut the fuck up.
      Fucking sand nigger.

    4. It is definetly not a wrong decision to make myself happy. I have felt that since i was very little i should have been born a girl and i can't wait to fix that problem and make my body match my mind

    5. I'm sorry i read all the comments from the people pro this surgery but i still cant see it. Its very gross i am disappointed with the medical field for wasting so much money and time to do this when there are so many illnesses in the world to find a cure for!!

      And i'm sorry it dosen't look like the real thing either way. I'm sorry if my boyfriend had a penis that looked like that i'd be very turned off it will never look like the real thing. I dont like life sometimes either i wish i was taller or prettier but DEAL WITH It.

      If you got a sex change sorry you will never ever ever be a member of the sex you were trying to become!
      THis surgury is pointless and gross again i'm sorry but its not brave either it is shameful. ANd you can all yell at me and use harsh words at my opinion but it is the truth and the truth hurts.

      You will also never be able to have children and that like the last statement is a fact! Argure with that.

    6. It is very sad to see how one can be so ignorant,judgemental and self rightious.

      Everyone has a right to their opinion. However please own your own truth. Just because one believes something does not mean it is true.

      There is no arguing here, only stating opinions.
      Many, many women born with all their reproductive organs cannot have children, that does not make them any less a woman either.
      That is a fact.

      As far as gross, and saying it would not turn one on, hopefully someday you will find that love and making love have NOTHING to do with how someone looks.

      As far as "being the sex you want to be" that is not the point. It is the desire to reflect on the outside the person or gender they have always been on the inside.

      Sadly this world just gets more and more full of hate. What good does that do?

      No one is "wasting time" on this type of surgery and support. It is what they choose to do. I am happy there are more options for people to get help.

      Maybe it is my old age, I don't know, but I thank God for having been blessed with a non critical heart. Lord knows I need support too, so I am here for others that need it also.

    7. Hey I can see I've upset people and i'm sorry really. Its just an opinion and i have been trying to be open. But there is nothing the medical field can do to make you totally the sex you are trying to become and you can argue with me but its true.
      I do not hate those who do it or anyone for that matter I just dont see this surgury as a break through. When they do this the sexual orgains will not react like the real thing. So it will not solve all the problems these individuals are trying to solve.
      I still think it is wrong and i am posting my opinion as respectful as possible not everyone will agree but i will not wish for ill upon these people but it will not be exactlly the same as natural ones.

    8. Although I do not agree with people changing their gender, I do feel that is their right. I am not God and cannot judge them. They will have their time to be judged by God himself. No one can tell another person how and what to feel. I feel that maybe people should get some extensive counseling before undergoing such a huge procedure.

      I myself am a female happy with myself in my female body. My question to those who have had the surgery or are thinking about it is Don't you want to be able to have natural children one day? And if you already have kids how do you explain to them that daddy is now going to be mommy or mommy is now going to be daddy? Just asking, not judging.

    9. Dear October 28, 2008 7:34

      First of all i am deeply offended that you would use real women like myself who cant not give birth as a defense for these operations!!
      It is true i am a real women of natural birth and even though i cannot give birth i do have the female internial organs and for those who dont they did at one point.
      farthermore, Women like myself are able to preform natural sexual activites and preform and feel the same as women who are able to give birth.
      I have gone threw enough hard times and then to be put into a group with these people.
      I regret to inform everyone but these artificially made parts are not the same as naturally made ones. You cannot deny that they function the same first of all the penises will never erect of produce sperm. And the females parts will not feel the same to the owner during sex as the natural ones plus you will not have ovaries or any of the internal female organs. This is just a fact that even medical professionals admit.

      Hence you will never be exactly like the natural born sex you are attempting to become. Nowsdays surgery can do many things but it cant not as of today totally change your gender. It can make it appear so but not even perfectly, i am speaking as an educated individual since I have a degree in nursing and while going threw college met individuals who went threw "sex changes."
      I am not here to bring hate its amazing how advance these surguries are becoming but we'll need much more advancements to ever truly make such changes.
      For those of you who understand this and still want this surgery i wish you the best of luck.

    10. Although I do not agree with the majority of the posts on here, it is wrong of the rest of the percentage to hate them or say rude things back, just because WE think they are narrow minded and ignorant. Try to look at it from both perspectives, they think we are something and we think they are something. No matter how many times we argue back and forth, it's not going to alter someones opinion. No matter what topic we're debating.

      I know personally what it's like to be "gay bashed" and stereotyped, but arguing with people of this stature isn't going to get us anywhere. We must use our resources and energy on the people that matter, such as congress. I am all for fighting for what we (you) believe in, but do it right.

      Man do you know how many times a day I walk in to the woman's room and get told to leave or that I'm in the wrong bathroom!?! Yeah, it's annoying but let's face it, we do not control (for the most part) who we fall in love with, we do choose to be open about our sexuality. It was my choice to cut my hair and dress masculine. Just like it's their choice to be ignorant to such situations.

      Good luck with all of your surgeries, I hope everything happens as planned.

    11. First of all, id like to say that I am not a 'bible thumper' as many of you possible atheists say.

      I am an agnostic individual, I believe there must be a God, but I do not attempt to speak for him/her. I (we) will never know how he/she truly feels about this.

      Look, "born in the wrong body"?

      GET REAL.

      Born in the wrong body? How is this possible?

      I always try to keep as open a mind as possible in all aspects of my life. But saying BORN IN THE WRONG BODY?! That's just complete B.S to me. You can't be BORN IN THE WRONG BODY, that's HOW YOU ARE BORN!

      Maybe you can 'feel' like you would be happier as a woman or a man, because you are a homo, or just.. wait, that's the only reason, because you're a homo.

      And believe me, that's fine. I believe in freedom to do whatever you want with your body, but everyone has a body they are born with. To say you are in the 'wrong' body is just a complete and utter lie, possibly an excuse for being a homosexual.

      My opinion is that this is disgusting and unnatural (I also believe the same way about homosexuality), but my opinion is just that, an opinion. You guys can do whatever you want and as long as it doesn't affect my right to make money and be happy, good for you!

    12. Wow, I can't believe some of you people out there! First, I am a woman who has always felt that I should have been a man. Not because I like women (I don't), I just don't feel like a woman. I have never ever wanted to have kids, but I like to be with men. I was married for 16 years and it was hard to pretend. I have a boyfriend now that is bisexual and that is ok with me! But, I still have my breasts, still have all my girly parts that I never wanted! I can use a strap-on with my boyfriend, but it is not the same. I can't stand up to pee either! But, that's really not what it's about either...I don't like my body and wish that I had been born a man! Is there something wrong with that? Why would anyone care? If I could afford to, I would have all the surgeries, the hormones and everything. But I can't, so I suffer with what I have. I just don't see why these hateful people care about what trans people do with their bodies.

    13. this is a very courageous and life altering act. i comend anyone brave enough to go through it. as for you die-hard christians, get over yourself. first of all its non of your buisness what they do with THEIR body. second of all, if you were so set in your beliefs then why must you feel the need to condem others, wouldnt you be satisfied that you understand what you must do to live (as crazy as the conditions may be). before you pass your close-minded judges on other check your closet for your over-due skeletons and shut your mouths. for all of you who have choosen to do this, you are in my heart and i hope life turns out to be everyhting you want it to be. good-luck. you rock<:

      Catherin Doll

    14. I just watched a TV show about transgender surgery and I was surprised when a man who was having the surgery to become a woman said he was always armed with a weapon because if anyone knew he was a man dressed as a woman, he could be in serious danger from them. Then I came here and read these posts, and now I understand what he meant. So much hate. So much violence towards people who are doing no harm to anyone else, and yet ignorant ranters spew vile and hate towards them. No wonder the world is such as it is. It is so full of people who feel good inside when they spew hate and judgement and cause hurt, especially about things they are extremely ignorant about...which seems to be a great deal. I wonder why we are called humans, when we don't live up to the definition of being humane.

    15. wow. some of you people need to be a little more sensitive. These people need to be built up not put down. i am very christian and i respect God's plan for man and women and i dont think we should be messing with nature like that...its just crossing the line.These people need mental healing. they need to accept themselves for who they are....someone out there will love them for who they are inside and out. plus, that looks dangerous! God bless them and i hope my opinion did some good.

    16. women who want a penis... i dont get it...? men who want vaginas........well, maybe they cant find one out there so they got their own to play with..

    17. getting a sex change operation is dangerous and stupid your not really changing your sex u just mutilating the genitals

    18. For those of you that are commenting on the God and what HE wants.... I feel that God gave the Doctors the knowledge to do these things for a reason. Get over yourselfs and let people live the way that they want!!

    19. i wonder if both of each sex change can get down and dirty in bed?

    20. I searched for this site because I found the topic of SRS incredibly interesting. But I never thought that while I was educating my brain, the comments of others would touch my heart.

      I am a straight, 21 year old, woman. I am also blonde, with my dad's eyes, my mom's structure and 5' even. I was born this way. And honestly it is the only thing about me that I am comfortable with. I can't imagine how it feels to be uncomfortable because of how you were born, because I never had to imagine it before. My heart goes out to everyone who does have to feel that way every single day. I am not happy with most things in my life and if there were a way that I could change them I would.

      I think anyone who would like to undergo, or has undergone this surgery, has the strength of heart, that I could never imagine, but want desperately. Bravery is about facing things that others find too difficult. You are brave, and don't ever let the cowards who judge you, and who can't face anything, tell you differently. Everyone has a different set of beliefs. I was raised as a Christian, as a granddaughter of a pastor. But the one sentiment that my grandfather held the highest was to allow God to judge others, and to love thy neighbor as a brother. Or a sister. God in my opinion loves all of His children equally, and gives us challenges as human beings. I firmly believe that those who feel they have been born in the wrong body, are being challenged by God to find the happiness that He wants for them. Life is a series of challenges to test your strength, and God would never give any of us anything that we couldn't handle. Those of you who have been born in the wrong body, I believe that God knows you are the strongest so He challenges you the most. Whether your choice is to have the surgery or not, I hope that all of you find happiness.

      I was asked recently, by someone who is completely opposed to SRS, how I would feel if I found out that someone I was dating, turned out to have had the surgery. Honestly, I couldn't answer, because I didn't know much about the surgery. Once I read about the surgery, I was still unsure. It wasn't until I read the comments on this blog that I made up my mind. My reaction to the news would be based on the heart of the person, not their physical self. If the person I was dating had the surgery and I was in love, it would not matter to me. Because I see now that it is the heart of the person that truly defines them. And from what I have read from the people who have had the surgery, most of you have more passion, conviction, and fire in the fingers with which you typed your response, than the idiots who put you down have in their entire life. The world needs more heart in it, because right now, I fear, the world is growing cold to real human emotion and is learning to feed off of the dead ideals that is what those idiots consider "normal".

      I am a straight, 21 year old, woman. Considered the All American girl with natural blonde hair, my dad's blue-green eyes, my mom's high cheekboned structure, and my short 5' even height. I was cheerleader in my high school, and I kept up a 3.5 or higher GPA at all times in school. I am the granddaughter of a pastor and I believe in God. I guess you can take a look at me and see the poster child for what society considers normal. But I'm also the most unhappy person I know underneath it all. Because what you see on the outside, is NOT what lies inside.

    21. i was browsing before and after pics of cosmetic surgery when i stumbled upon this site. alot of the comments on here are disgusting... if someone isnt happy with themselves i think they have a right to change it.. it has nothing to do with god so all the bible lovers should jst stop having a go at people. there is no perfect human being.. and some things can really depress you in how u look. these are very brave people.. it looks like a huge procedure and very painful.. this clearly shows how depressed they are with themselves that they are willing to endure that for change. and people should stop with the gay hating. i am not gay nor am i wanting a sex change but there is nothing wrong with either.. they are still a person. i think everyone who is goin to express disgust in this topic should either close the screen and not comment ..keep it to yourself... or... sit down and think about your body.. are you unhappy with any part of it? if not.. imagine u were.. u had all the feelings of a woman or man but on the exterior you were different.. it would be really hard. if you cant imagine this you are very closed minded.. all in all.. there is nothing wrong with it so stop attacking people who want to do it.

    22. hi there.. i would like to start by thanking all the people who support and believe in transsexuals. it is great to know that there is support out there. people are so critical and single minded these days.

      for all you bible thumpers... you believe god made us this way so we should just stick it out... ? thats like telling a little girl or boy that was born with one arm... "fuck the amps program.. god wants you this way!" now doesnt that sound rediculous? religion is a guide line, not a law... god loves everyone no matter their age,sex, looks, personalities, OR MENTALITIES.... some people are one person on the inside and another on the outside.

      For all you haters out there... you are always the first to judge.. yet all that shows the world is that you are to afraid to step out of whats "normal" because of fear of rejection so you guys will live the rest of your lives trying to make society happy, just so you fit in... and guess what... society always has something to bitch about... so you will never truly be who you are.

      to all people thinking about the surgery.... think about it... it is a wonderful fullfilly process... if it is what you really want. thre is no reversal to this surgery.. you cant "exchange it" or "return it" your stuck with it.. so take the time to think about it.. some people think this is what they want till they get it.. do your research.. know your doctors.. know what you want... if after all this you are still content on getting this done.... all the power to you, congradualtions and all the best in your new fullfilling happy blives!!!

    23. It is good to see there are people out there who sympathize and show compassion for the transgendered. As for the ones calling us "freaks" or "abominations" etc., consider this: There isn't any transgendered person out there that WANTS to be transgendered. It is NOT a choice. I believe I speak for the majority of us when I say everything would be a LOT easier if we were born the gender we feel we are, and not have to go through the pain of years of denial, the transition process, ridicule from the close-minded, etc. I was born a male, but have always secretly been feminine and identified as a female since I was a young child. For most of my childhood and even into early adulthood, I wrote it off as some sort of "confusion" and tried distracting myself with other things to not think about it. I was in denial and refused to accept I could have a psychological issue of that magnitude. It wasn't until I was 23when I finally stopped denying it and accepted the issue I have. Around this same time, I began extensively researching suicide since I felt killing myself would be a better option than to continue living as a man. I just wished more than anything I would have been born female rather than male, so I could have enjoyed a childhood as a girl and have been able to experience real motherhood (pregnancy and all). So, trust me when I say, being transgendered is NOT fun or some experiment or choice. It isn't anything I would wish onto anyone. It is a terribly dark, depression-filled life. As the supporters have said, those who transition really truly are the brave ones. It is my goal to be that brave and courageous someday. So far I've really only been able to accept my issue and confide in a close friend about it. Transition is a long, complex, expensive process. To be able to accept you have an issue and take the steps to remedy them always takes courage and bravery. Here is one thing for those who oppose transgenders to think about: Would you ridicule and chastise someone who is a recovering alcoholic or someone who lost a large amount of weight? Probably not. Well, those two groups of people and transgendered people have several things in common. We all realize we have an issue in our lives that hinders our quality of life and we've admitted it, accepted it, and have put forth an effort to make a change to improve our quality of life. To complete that transition into a positive change in your life, in any circumstance from any walk of life, always takes courage and bravery. So, here is a big "Thank you!" for all the love and support from the supporters. As for the opposition, I am not judging you or trying to force some change of opinion. All I ask of you is to sit back, put aside your differences and religion and politics and just consider the individual. Consider the emotional pain the individual goes through and try to realize how your negative comments and judgements only increase the pain. We are all human. We all have our issues. We all have our differences. Tolerance and compassion should always prevail. Just please try to be considerate of others, even if some religious or political influenced value or thought compels you to think the way someone is or the way someone feels is wrong. Remember, to say it is wrong is to bring judgement upon that person. If it doesn't impact your life or hinder the quality of your life, be tolerant of the difference and accept and/or ignore the difference, don't ridicule and judge it.

    24. My question to those of you who have gone through or are planning to go for ftm surgery is this...what can i do as a friend to help someone through this process? I'm very proud of my friend and want to be there for her, but I'm not sure what kind of support she will i ask a lot of questions, do i wait for her to talk when she needs to, do i do my own research and share what i learn with her, etc. basically, what was most helpful for you when you were just starting on your path to change? what did people do (or not do) that made the process easier for you? so far, she is in therapy and saving money for surgery...i assume i should, even at this early stage, address her by her newly chosen name...what else can i do?

    25. Again, I am very much a Bible person, a Jehovah's Witness.

      One thing we are known for is knowing the Bible.

      It is not "all" Bible people who judge these humans sadly born with this horrible situation!!!

      I agree completely that people are born with all kinds of things that are not their fault and if they can somehow make their lives better, then GREAT!If the creator made us, who do you believe made the doctors and staff who help all people?

      I worked with Sp. Ed kids for 18 years with all kinds of challenges that we continually were helping them to make their lives easier!!

      One boy had hands coming out of his shoulders!

      Many of you seem to forget there are many, many genital mutations, brain problems. So why not the one discussed here???

      Being close minded and critical are all signs of lack of self love. If we want to be loved for ourselves, not perfect either, then we must sincerely love others.

      It is not all people who live by the Bible who are judgemental!!!

      Said in love, debilyn

    26. To anyone who believes people who get SRS are people who are gay and it makes it easier for them to get laid, what do you say to people who change sex and then date members of the gender opposite the one they were born with?

      According to most of your logic, these people are fine. :P

    27. I only have one thing to say...why is it anyone else's business?? Why do sooooo many other people seem to care if jane becomes john or vice versa?? Is this effecting your life? NOPE, so let them be happy. You're not footing the bill or signing the wavers for this dangerous procedure are you? NOPE, so back off. Just like gay marriage, are you kidding me? how can so many people care enough about SOMEONE ELSE'S PERSONAL LIFE to make it illegal?? It's no more bizzare to say that people can't marry because they're black or asia.

      if it makes you happy, do it.

      And for the people who profess to know the lord so well, stop and ask yourself, why would GOD ALMIGHTY create a person who can't identify with their sex? that is cruel, a man trapped in a womans body opts for a sex change is just trying to feel normal in their own skin, would you take a deaf persons hearing aid away because it helped fit into society better?

      this god you speak of is cruel @ times, hermaphrodites? explain that miracle from god. What would you people do then, if your child was born with both parts and you ahd to choose and you chose WRONG. you made your hermaphrodite a girl and turns out she has a little too masculine, wants a sex change... it happens all the time...

      don't be so quick to judge, live YOUR GD life. to each their own.

      I'm sorry if i offended anyone, i'm a married mother of two, i don't know much about the subject, i just have a few gay/lesbian friends. i'm open minded and i TRULY respect the decisions of anyone brave enough to take action in their own personal persuit of happiness. ~rose

    28. I Think you're all sick, I cant judge someone for the decision it self, but just by looking at it makes me sick. Seriously....I think all those people who decide for a sex change are all sick.

    29. I was re-born a woman in 2007 July thanks to God,,we are all here for a reason and God gave me a second chance.And to anyone wants the surgery go for it,its worth it i had no pain, and if i could i would do it all over again...i have a few words for the bible readers,LISTEN ,we are all Gods children know matter what,,what you need to do is to get educated,and leave a positive comment..And when you put us down your only hurting God.He does not like that he wants us all to get along....

    30. ANDRESSA, you are a sick BITCH,,if you want to be sick look in the mirror,,who the FUCK do you think you are,,yes i have a sex change,,dont be jelious because we look better than you...I will kick your ugly ass........

    31. First off Andressa and all the others, they are not sick!!

      I didn't "stumble" on this site, I really don't think you could. I looked it up in order to get a better understanding on the actually procedure. I'm am just very curious person. I am not gay myself but have friends who are and knew a girl who felt better as a guy. I understand you go through a lot before even being allowed to have the surgery.

      Now due to reading what others wrote hoping to be inspiered I was truly dissapointed. For those of you who say its wrong to alter your body because God said so, you need to stop going to the doctor and taking medicine, stop putting braces on your kids or making your boobs bigger. It is no bigger of a sin to have a boob job or heart transplant or a sex change each one changes your body. Also being a believer in God, didn't he say not to judge people and how he is a selfish God and wants that job all to himself? You should all be ashamed of yourselves! (Those who came on here only to blast others in the name of God) God asked you spread the word of his LOVE not HATE and you are doing the exact oppiste.

      What most people don't realize is we all may have the same basic DNA which makes us human but we all have our very own DNA. DNA has flaws some people have to much x or y. Which is why more often then not men will feel like women or wonmen feel like men.

      To Scott and Branden, You boys make me sick and you two are the REAL abomination to mankind. Perhaps you should take you own advice and go find a cliff. If I ever ran into you guys I would stop the car ans put it in reverse :) Ignorant people are what make ME SICK. I think anyone caught using the q word should be fined. Hate is such a horrible thing and you two are filled with it. Whats worse is you are probably just redneck sheep fuckers and mad at yourselves for it.

      Now that I have that out of the way I would like to say what I really wanted to put on here..

      To all of you who live inside a body that just doesnt "fit" right I wish you the best of luck and all the support in the world. I understand its not easy (especially with people like Scott and Branden) But honestly I find all of you more inspiring then any one. You are all such caring brave loving nonjudgemental giving compassionate AMAZING people. I have never met a gay bi les or tran that wasnt amazing. My heart goes out to all of you even the haters... and if any of you need support hit me up on myspace I will always be here for ya :)

    32. I'm appalled at the hateful comments posted in this blog regarding sexual reassignment surgery. Religion has no place in this discussion as there is nothing in the Bible condeming sexual reassignment surgery. NOTHING. In fact the Bible doesn't address this at all. Period. Why does God leave out sexual reassignment surgery from a document that covers everything?
      Because there is no sin involved here, there is no violation of God's law. If it was so it would be discussed. Now for those of you who would claim that this is only because it is a new modern thing and didn't happen in ancient bible times, that isn't true either. There are lots of references to sex change surgeries performed in ancient greek, contemporary times of Jesus. So why isn't there any reference to this as a sin in the Bible? Because the men who wrote it didn't think it was a sin or God did not instruct them to write about it as a sin. So all you so-called Bible scholars--do you homework. There is NOTHING in the Bible about sex changes, transexualism---NOTHING.
      For those who are calling transexuals faggots, gays and other names, you do not understand human sexuality and I suspect that you have sexual identity issues or this would not be a threat to you. Why do you care what someone does with their body? To the pre-0p transexuals and others dealing with sexual identity issues, you have my sympathy and words of support.

    33. i belive that people should have the right to do whatever they want and i am sure that those who have sex change surguries have it for a reason and that is because there body is not accepting them for who they are

    34. eeeewwww. I only had to go on this site because I had to do research for a paper. All of you people are idiots for bashing eachother. None of you know the nature of *** and therefore have no right to mention his name on this site. You all out to be ashamed of yourselves and leave him out of your stupid sqwabbles. Not to mention you all should learn to spell right. Even if you feel like you were born in the wrong body...get some self esteem, do your self a favor and be proud of who you are and love the parts you got!

    35. I am at a lose for words. I was looking up the procedure for my best friend who is transgender. I am scared for the people with this disorder because of the arrogant and cruel people out there. And it is not a "mental illness" or a "sin". It has nothing to do with religion or preferences. It has to do with the genetic make up and chromosones. It is not a choice for these people to be the sex they are. They are just wanting to change their bodies to match themselves. How would one feel if they woke up one day with the bodies of the opposite sex as their own? Would you want to change it? (I'm sure the @hole who bragged about all the porn would probally play with himself for awhile. Or maybe learn a few things;P)
      I always hear the quote, "Be who who are. " But how is that possible when to many people try to push their opinions and their god in our faces? Everyone needs to step outside of theirselves for a minute and exhale.

    36. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

      Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

      For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

      And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of a woman, burned in their lust one towards another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

      And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, DEBATE, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

      Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, PROUD, BOASTERS, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

      Withour understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

      Romans, Chapter 1; Verses 24-32

    37. I don't believe they are brave because they are willing to endure such serious pain. They're doing what they feel is right. Who are they hurting by doing this? They are not defiantly shouting into the public eye, "I'm going to change my genitals to SPITE you!!"

      They're meerly doing what the feel is right. I pity those who cannot afford to feel whole.

      One thing that does disgust me is you hateful people. Why are you attacking those who are not trying to offend you?

      Get a life, and leave these people alone.

      I may not feel either way towards the issue of Sexual Reassignment, but I believe that those who say these awful things about those who have the surgery are full of evil.

      You may disagree with it, but these people never stop being human.

    38. Well, first of all, to each is own. I think everyone should live out exactly who they are. If you want to be a lawyer, be a lawyer. If you want to be a doctor, be a doctor. In reality, if you want to be a male or female, be who you are and want to be. I think GOD loves everyone and as long as you believe and have faith, than that is all ti is about. Believe in yourself and don't worry about anyone else in the world, as long as you are right with God!! God Bless and be yourself!!!

    39. Well I have spent a number of hours reading all this. Here is my summary.
      Most of you can't spell or articulate themselves in fluent English, seems to me it’s mostly the ones sprouting god. The inability to articulate is a demonstration of a lack of education, which is conclusive with the normal education level of someone who is easily influenced and blinded by religion. It s common practice that governments of third world countries don't support education because it allows them to control their population. It is also known fact that religion was used to both enforce a solid sense of morals and fear of committing crimes against your nation and neighbor. I'm all for the principles of the morals in religion, but too many secular groups spring up in uneducated populations (sorry Americans but that is also predominately you) sprouting interpretations of various 'rewritings' of the first bible to gain influence over similar like minded uneducated groups. Sad.
      Now I thought I'd add my 2 cents here. For years I liked men and felt feminine. I did awful things to my body to try to stop it from becoming masculine (now a 6 foot 2 inch high guy with massive shoulders), I was raised a catholic and nearly killed myself with confusion as an early teenager hating my self for attraction to men. Only one reason for it, I must really be a girl; it was the only way I could understand my feelings and my desire to have children. Unable to cope and unable to try committing suicide a second time I turned to violence against others and hoped something bad would happen to me. I surrounded myself with homophobes in an attempt to control myself. Finally after years of self abuse, failed relationships and years of studying this SRS I decided to go get help, seeing the specialists and confessing (to a very supportive mother who put me in touch with a pre op transsexual at her work). I attended meetings as well, where I was put off by a number of pre and post op women trying to come on to me because of my very male physique. Eventually I was forced to confront the following issues: I was NEVER going to pass (was 27, now 32) as a female, no surgery no hormones would help. If I was struggling coping now, by going the full path of SRS would only result in me being a very obvious outcast neither being or looking female or being male anymore. It took a great deal of time but in the end I was able to come to terms that it was going to be more mentally damaging pursuing what I truly wanted. I had to find a way to find solace as I was. But because of my religious background I cannot no mater how stupid I think it is, have a relationship with a man as a man, those few time I tired I hated it because it screamed against my beliefs. Apparently I'm in the highest suicide rate for these situations, but my strong will and fear of death has kept me going.
      So how do I cope? With a wonderful partner who loves me for the person I am not what I think I am. It’s very hard on us and a constant fear for my wife something will change.
      Every day I think about myself and only wish that if time permitted as a young person (knew at about 7 for sure) that I could have stopped my body from changing to the man I am I would and then have a chance to have become a women and looked lie a women, been with a man and lived a totally happy life.
      What a fucked up place to be mentally.

      So what can I say to those who are religious? I understand their stand point but also believe they have very narrow and poor life experience. I have no issue with religion as long as it does not try to interfere with those who do not follow the same belief. I feel the same about queens who are so over the top they give a stereo type to the rest of the less extreme gays. No matter what you are you should be able to discuss your views but if you truly believe in a Christian god you should be respectful of others despite them not having your faith, you cant convert based on fear, that is why the catholic religion is so poorly followed. If you’re catholic... no hope for you, fear of god and sin is all you know.
      So what can I say to those seeking SRS? Don’t take to heart those who preach God. You will be hated by those who fear this and are bigoted; you will however find ample support within your own group and within the community of post and pre op groups. Don’t mistake that because someone is gay they support transsexuals, I was floored when a close friend of mine expressed his disgust of transsexuals and transvestites because as a gay man he waned a 'man' and he held similar distaste as some of these religious groups on this forum. As one email said, find like minded groups to support you. The religious guys all pat each other on the back and feel warm and comforted in their shared sense of bigotry, you need to find those who will share your warmth and certainty in this. Start early, if you think you are this way inclined, seek advice and sport ASAP. Don't wait and find yourself in a position like me, confused, married, with children, self destructive and a body so masculine any change would only make you stared at and emotionally crushed in public. If you feel it, see someone ASAP.

      For those wanting to send me the usual tirade of poorly structured and wasted bigotry religious crap, email me on, or if you have anything serious to say send it to me as well. Might take a few days to reply.

    40. why dont they just be happy with what they were giving at birth,it all unnatural its just not right.

    41. Humans are born conjoined, with cleft pallets, holes in their hearts,with both male and female genitals, three legs, extra fingers or thumbs...

      Are you questioning why they don't accept what God gave them?

      God is not the one who brought on imperfection, the other one did anyway.


    42. stop bringing God into it. God has nothing to do with it, you idiots. this surgery makes people happy and feel more secure and accepted. God loves all, so SHUT UP.

      you are all so annoying.

    43. What is wrong with some of you?
      It's none of your business anyways! What these people do and don't do with THEIR bodies is up to them and them only. And you, of course, bring up God. How do YOU know what God wants? You say the bible, well, the bible tells you not to judge others. So don't. Leave the judging for God and God alone. Keep your ignorant noses out of it.

    44. one of my close friends suffers from this disorder! he(she) is an apparently girl but a male in heart. you should meet one of those transsexulas and speak to them, then judge them! he(she) never have had any sex relationship with boys. even with girls. he is a pious human being. fortunatly he meets psychologists and they know him as a ts. so he will have an operation in few months. i'm really happy for him. because it's HIS RIGHT AND HE IS A FREE CREATURE OF GOD AND HE IDENTIFIES HIMSELF AS A MAN. SO, WHO WANTS TO BAN HIM OF THIS RIGHT?!

    45. My curiosity took the best of me, when I discoverd that all this information including photos was available on line.
      My religious belief is straight forward. But I will not judge nor will I redicule. My sins are between GOD, myself, and of course ONLY those who I've affected. I too would love to transform myself so that I can feel better in my own skin.. Tummy tuck and breast inhansment, even a face lift would be great. I don't because I don't have the $. How is this inhansment any different? what I find wrong with it is when these group of people choose to let it be known to those not needed know.. Of course you'll be segregated, & made fun of. Thats the world we live in and nothing has, will, or ever going to change that... Do what you feel you need to do, but don't make it public knowledge. In all honesty, Ignorance is only for those who feel that society should accept them, when so called normal people get the same treatment.
      That guy Thomas who was a female and after becoming a man decided to conceive and give birth to his child, could of saved himself & his family so much redicule by being descreat.

    46. If it wasn't for God and doctors you wouldn't be here able to make any of those nasty comments about this being wrong.


    48. Look i not judging and i understand you gotta do what you gotta do but... those pictures are nasty as hell i mean nasty as hell i don't think yall understand what i mean but they are nasty. Anyways if you feel like you gotta get that done then that is something that i can't understand so i don't even have an opinion on. and i am not condoning nor scolding these people but those pictures are nasty. And once more i understand you gotta do what you gotta do to be happy but eww i hope i do not even need that.....nasty.

    49. I,m from europe and i am 40 years old. Since i had the age of 9 i wanted to be a girl. But these days there was no internet so i thought that i was crazy. I married a wife and get two daughters. I actually still wants to be a woman and i,m desperate now. I want to say to all people with a gender problem in youth. Do something about it and don,t think that you can live with it. Be sure that you can live your life as you wanted

    50. I'm gonna get my dick attached to my nose because I've always felt like an elephant trapped in a man's body

    51. First, understand that everyone has a fall in nature at birth (it says so in the bible). Thus, we are ALL tempted to some kind of pull against nature....whether it be relational feelings towards the same sex, or a desire to be a serial killer, or to be a pathalogical liar (these are just some examples I'm putting out there). My point is that even though we have a fall in nature and are tempted to fulfill a unatural desire does not mean that we are to surrender to it. I don't hate gay or transgender people...I want to make that clear. I love all of Gods children, no matter what. I have a male friend who was in the closet until his young adult hood. We met at work and he confided in me that, although he knew he had sexual feelings for males that he knew that it wasn't right in God's eyes and had struggled with that fact. In the end, because of his decision to have a relationship with God, he has left his past behind him (ie feelings for the same sex) and is happily living a straight life and walking with God in his heart every day. I'm sure some of you who are reading this are thinking "Wow, this chick thinks that gay people can be cured!". No, there's no 'cure'. There's a 'decision' to be made. We, as people in this world, fight resistance every day and we decide whether or not to give into temptations or to resist them. Bottom line, God made us who we are for a reason (mind, body and soul). No matter what, God loves us all unconditionally. When we sin we must seek him for forgiveness. I encourage all people of all sexes to reach out to him, especially when we are confused about ourselves or need guidence in our lives. I've personally witnessed many lives that have changed by people seeking God for guidence in time of need. He will always be there for you and will never let you down. Afterall, he created you! May God bless everyone who reads this.

    52. if god meant for us to fly he would have given us physics and the ability to invent, if god wanted us all to be clones then we would all have the same tattoos and the same drug addictions. if god wanted to remind us that there are people with deeper emotional problems than us, he would have them post their insecurities in the form of oppressive, faschist insults, thereby revealing their own inabilty concieve the notion of rational idealistion...
      btw i am a hetero male, happily in a relationship. i happen to have a couple of post-op friends, and googled this site to gain some knowledge on the surgery. i must admit i didn't think the results would be as close to the real thing as they are.
      i would like to extend my felicitations to those of you out there that are now able to enjoy life the in a body you feel comfortable with, thanks to advances in science and the skills of the professionals who complete these procedures.

    53. THIS IS SICK, UNNATURAL AND DOWN RIGHT DISTURBING! I am not religious whatsoever, but you were made the way you were made for a reason. Changing that, is like slapping mother nature in the face over and over again.
      I am sorry but that's NOT brave, that's a cognitive, mental disorder. PERIOD.

    54. The negative ones out there that are opposed to this kind of thing, why do you even bother writing your thoughts about it??? What you are writing in your very harsh, cruel and negative comments, are not facts, but purely your opinion, and an opinion that is by no means accepting of others!! You should stop and consider that this kind of thing can happen to anyone anywhere in the world - even your own children, so try to be a little more understanding and show some compassion. As for all of those out there born into the wrong bodies, may you have the strength and bravery to do what you need to do. And those that don't think it takes bravery and courage to do this - CRAP!!! What a thing for them to have to go through, just finding the courage to tell their friends and family is hard, let alone seeking help from doctors, therapists, surgeons,....anyway love and peace to you are brave, courageous and inspirational people! xxx

    55. ooh how funny... being gay and wanting a vagina done - how logical! poeple THINK before you write crap like that, ask a gay person: would they want ANYTHING to do with a "guy" with a vagina? nope! they are interested in their thing down there, so... Im not sure if you all who write stuff like that, are bright enough to understand the differences. being trans is not a choice, its a defect - how can someone be blamed for getting too much of the "wrong" hormones during pregnancy, thus making them of the opposite gender, even their bodies dont match to that? (recent studies have shown that juite enough) can anyone blame people for having defects, open hearts, webbed hands or feet and whatnot else, want them to be corrected? just because its a more private area, where the defect lies, everyone goes haywire about it. and its not anything psychological at all, the only thing i agree to is, that they should get help to work up all the difficulties they have had in their life, just to be absolutely sure this is what they really need and want.
      and for all the relligious people out there: dont mix up YOUR emotions and feelings with what Bible was originally: a message of love to everyone in the world, even if they are gay, trans, of different religion or any other difference to imagine. its a message of respect and tolerance, even though many people are too blind to see it. only through the latter, we are able to learn from others, and create a better world for all.

      with these words: peace and happiness for all - and hope all transpeople will find their personal happiness out there.

    56. One question for all you people posting on this site, who oppose sex changes: What are you doing logging onto the site in the first place? Just go away, and mind your own business!!

    57. It makes me really sad reading these posts from Christians who do nothing but put these beatiful people down. I am a christian myself (No, I did not "stumble upon" this site, I came here on purpose, so shoot me, I'm not claiming to be perfect")

      People calling themselves Christians should not be hating on other people and judging them when they have NO IDEA what these people's surcumstances are and how the live their lives. Yes, the Bible says that homosexuality is an abomination to God, BUT, we have a responsibility as followers and immitators of Jesus to LOVE OUR NEIHGBOUR, not only our straight neighbour or our Christian neighbour, ALL OUR NEIGHBOURS!!

      Stop judging, and love eachother.
      Hate the sin, not the sinner.
      Leave the judgement and revenge to the Lord.

      Peace and Love to all you brave, amaizing, people on this site. GOD LOVES YOU AND SO DO I!!

      To the haters: YOU will be judged.

    58. This is to all of you who think this is a mental illness. Before you go suggesting treatment and suggesting that "these people" should be put in a mental institution, I urge to read the literature on Gender Identity Disorder. This is, in fact, classified as a mental illness and interestingly enough...SRS is the most effective treatment for individuals suffering from this. SRS is generally only suggested after a person suffering from this goes through loads of therapy (generally about a year) to determine if they are in fact a good candidate for this surgery. One commenter stated that these people are not brave, they have a mental illness. Are you saying then that people who fight and deal with what you consider a mental illness are not brave?

      Please, I urge all of you who make snap judgments and think they know a thing or two about a thing or two to please be open-minded and educate yourself about issues before you open your mouth and remove all doubt that you are in fact ignorant.

      Everyone needs compassion and kindness. Hate is not a way to deal with anything. Also, remember that God's number 1 rule is to treat your neighbor as you would want to be treated. I hope all of you find the peace you are looking for-I hope someone whom you have misjudged helps you find it.

    59. You homophobes,
      catholics and christians
      should be ashamed of
      yourselves. Are these
      your bodies? No! Are
      these your property? No!
      Are these your minds?
      No! None of you will
      ever understand how a
      homosexual will feel and
      how hard it must had
      been for them to live as
      their previous gender.
      Some young teens have
      been violently assualted
      or abused, even by their
      own parents just for
      being gay, what is wrong
      with feeling comfortable
      with being a new person
      and starting a new life?
      If god created gay
      people and gay people
      were created by god
      then god must be at
      least a lil bi-curious
      themself, I don't hate
      god or dis-believe him
      but I hate christians and
      catholics, all they ever
      do is bully people in to
      believing their religion
      and force people to
      change. I am a buddhist,
      I believe in respect,
      appreciation, peace and
      love. I am also lesbian,
      most reasons because
      men through out my life
      were awful to me, I was
      raped, my ex beated me
      up and tried to get me in
      to drugs, my dad was a
      wife beater, pervert,
      homophobe and child
      abuser, after my
      experiences, I turned
      lesbian but I still was
      bullied, I had been
      thrown at with rocks,
      people questioning me,
      been acused of touching
      people up, had people
      graffitied I had HIV on
      my property and I was
      even spat at. I want to
      have a sex change too
      but I can't efford it, I'm
      21, I've just left college
      last year and I'm
      unemployed and living in
      a crappy hotel. Now you
      evil catholics,
      homophobes and
      christians tell us gays
      you understand us. You
      always hate what you
      DON'T understand and
      really you're scared of

    60. People may not "get it" but the least you can do is stop making stupid comments and start understanding that life is about being happy. You only get one and if youre not, you need to do something to change it. I've known for a very long time who i am, but no one else could see it. Now i'm happy with my life.

    61. Why are the bible thumpers even looking at this to begin with?

    62. I am SOOOO sooo impressed with the strength and courage that these people men and women, deal with everyday to be who they are. Not to mention the same that they go through after the surgery. The surgeries look great and I pray that they recieve the same feelings and stimulations that God gave us all. May your lives be full of love and serenity. God bless you every one. Renee Daniels

    63. Every day in this world there are women out there fighting to not get mutilated in this region of our bodies and here are women just handing themselves over to be completely mutilated and molded into something that is not right. We are such hypocrites to let this happen.
      Being brave to me is conquering our minds. Every day women look into the mirror and hate themselves because they are "too fat" or their nose is "too big". Yes we do have surgeries to fix those, but really should we? If we could just learn to love ourselves the way we are then none of this would ever have happened, but we see those "perfect" women in magazines and say I want to be like her. This sex change surgery changes you into something you want to be and not who you are.
      I believe that our technology can be used for a more wonderful purpose than fulfilling what I like to call "the mirror image"(or what we would like to see looking back at us in the mirror).
      Love yourself the way you came into this world (however way you believe you did). Find a balance. Don't give up. That's just too easy.
      I'm conquering mine. You should too.

    64. Also, I would like to say I did stumble across this site by looking for mastectomy and then I wondered why there is a vagina showing in a breast surgery and what does it have to do with a mastectomy? (I now know) so being the curious human that I am clicked on it.
      A mastectomy is used on breast cancer victims to save their lives. This is the type of things that we should use life changing surgery for.

    65. It takes real courage to do what these persons are doing, those procedures must be hell to go through so just imagine the hell they are going through before making these radical decisions, may God bless you all and I hope you find the happiness and peace of mind we all deserve, don't pay any attention to the naysayers, ignorant people will always be around, don't let them get to you, they're just scared.

    66. I've read all the comments and you guys who sound like a man of god, why are you on this site anyway? And besides if you were a man of god you wouldnt be posting this mean shit on here. Why do you care if you dont like it that doesnt mean that you have to do it. worry about yourselves .You cant control what other people do
      ALL have SINNED

    67. While I don't share the beliefs of those who would preach hate in the name of a Christian god or any other creative force, I will say this. This kind of surgery should almost NEVER be used for those suffering gender identity issues. The suicide rates for these people, even among the post operative community are astronomical. Gender identity crisis is a psychological disorder. It usually has nothing to do with sexual preference and must be treated psychologically, not with surgery. Alot of people who have gone through with the surgery have placed all of their hopes upon it, as the ultimate and final step, to be the answer to their anguish and are crushed to find that after having done it their confusion, shame and grief go on.

    68. This is not a cosmetic surgery, people seem to fail to understand that. This is not about accepting your biological gender - it's about being whole. This is not about sexuality - if you compare the stigma of transitioning to the opposite gender, with being gay, you have lost your ability to think beyond your own nose.

      Being gay today is quite openly accepted depending on where you live. Would you really expect someone to go through surgery (every anesthesia you go through have the chance to kill you), name change, learning an entire new body language, learning how to talk, risking the bond with your family and friends.. just because you're gay? Did you even stop to think about it?

      To the people who believe in God. If you wake up tomorrow in a body of the other gender, you would perhaps accept this. But would you be happy? Would you want to live that way? Would you not feel that something was wrong? What would it feel like every time you chose to be intimate with the one you love?

      If you're a man today, how do you know that you're a man? If you are a woman, how do you know that you're a woman?
      The answer is; you just know it. You feel it in your heart and soul, your entire being. And so does the people undergoing this surgery, I would assume.

      On a sidenote, I would like to ask you to please stop defending your own personal opinions with God. Stop abusing his name. Stand for your own opinions for once in your life. Or is it too scary to have to justify your own opinions without God?

      My personal opinion is, that which harms noone or no thing, is perfectly alright. Why would it be my business to deny someone else something that would make them very happy and content with themselves, when it doesn't affect me at all in any aspect? The world around me is not there to please my eye. It is there to live it's own life as happy as it can, while allowing me to do the same.

      Finanly, gender reassignment surgery is not about escape as so many people would like to point out, it's about finding peace. I sincerely hope that each and every person undergoing this difficult journey, find that peace.

    69. It seems like a rather painful procedure, and I hope that whoever takes part in it finds comfort in their decision.

      To all of you out there saying this is wrong, or 'unnatural' why look it up? Why be here if your only intention is to poison what's supposed to be a MATURE topic?

      This isn't for close-minded people.

      Anyhow, to Eric..
      You are my idol.

    70. for the people that think if a male is unhappy with how he was born that doesn't mean that they cant find a girl so they want to switch so they can have some fun with them self's i am male planning on having this done because i feel unhappy as a male and dont feel right as one to the part about about cant getting any thing i have been married for the past 2 years and my wife new i was going to do this

      i like the people that make u feel better about the choice ur making. the people the comment about how its wrong and about god you cant say anything about this until you step into our shoes and don't leave negative comments on here ur not helping anyone

    71. People who have nothing better to do than to preach about their religion in a negative way against other people and think that a person's decision to get a sex change is any of their business - should go play in traffic. seriously. gtfo.

    72. holy crow!!! That was the nastiest thing i have ever seen!!!!! Those people must be paralised because no human can sustain all of that pain on their pubic areas!!!

    73. Surgery wise its crazy how they can make a penis look just like a vagina its amazing uu couldnt even tell it used to be a penis. And for all those out there who have diffrent oponions on the matter , and religion , and bible. Gods the only judge of us it dont matter wht we do or say only he knows , just live ur life the way u desire and dont care what people have to say its ur life u only live once.



    75. errrr........i suppose thats what u get for google'ing sex change photo's ^.^


      ps: who is sicker and more twisted.......the fuckers who get this done......or the people who watch it ;)



      You're not judging noone? Wow, just wow. You're so daft that God must cry in his quarters right now.

    77. Firstly, I believe in professionalism of doctors who assess the patients' situations and helped them to achieve what they really want.
      Secondly, I believe in freedom. People who undergo such painful experience were most probably living a more painful life before this.
      They have every right and freedom to live in comfort and happiness.
      Moreover, people who undergo the surgeries definitely know themselves better than we do.
      So I am in no position to judge, and I definitely have no right to oppose it.

      To people who were hesitate to support because of religions:
      I believe in religions. In fact, I respect all religions.
      Religions teach you kindness.
      People who try to use religions teach you hatred.
      I respect your freedom and may God bless you in everything you do for the betterment of yourselves and others.

      From the deepest of my heart to those who oppose the operation in any way:
      The biggest challenge in life (even for myself) is to embrace every living beings that are different from us.
      Hatred, resistance and prejudice are products of fear and pride.
      Understanding is the key, it will help you to tolerate, accept and help each other.
      You have learnt the biggest lesson if you are able to live among all in peace and love.
      I wish all of us find joy in life and bring joy to others.

    78. Firstly, I believe in professionalism of doctors who assess the patients' situations and helped them to achieve what they really want.
      Secondly, I believe in freedom. People who undergo such painful experience were most probably living a more painful life before this.
      They have every right and freedom to live in comfort and happiness.
      Moreover, people who undergo the surgeries definitely know themselves better than we do.
      So I am in no position to judge, and I definitely have no right to oppose it.

      To people who were hesitate to support because of religions:
      I believe in religions. In fact, I respect all religions.
      Religions teach you kindness.
      People who try to use religions teach you hatred.
      I respect your freedom and may God bless you in everything you do for the betterment of yourselves and others.

      From the deepest of my heart to those who oppose the operation in any way:
      The biggest challenge in life (even for myself) is to embrace every living beings that are different from us.
      Hatred, resistance and prejudice are products of fear and pride.
      Understanding is the key, it will help you to tolerate, accept and help each other.
      You have learnt the biggest lesson if you are able to live among all in peace and love.
      I wish all of us find joy in life and bring joy to others.

    79. i understand how it feels to feel wrong to feel like god made a mistake to feel like you arent who you are supposed to be....these people who have had sex changes i give you kudos for the are very brave and that i respect and i hope yall are extremely happy with the results...much love -jay

    80. FUCK the bible.
      1/3 people dont believe in any god, and for good reasons. The bible is full of lies and brainwashing that people of a long gone generation wrote.
      Get with the times people! Things like this will be done for people who need it. You dont know how someone else feels till you walk in their shoes, so dont judge these people and their problems!

      The lord giveth and the lord taketh away? No MAN giveth and MAN taketh away.Stop following imaginary deities and think fer yourselves!!!

    81. LMFAOZ this some funny ass shit from what i read, IDC what ya tranny fags & hoes think but...i love my beautiful dick and can't ever imagine parting it, but i'll tell ya that i'm not as courageous as these dick snipping (pre)women, and dick pasting (pre)men, that shows that the only differences between me and ya is: ya got money to spend, ya got low self-esteem and wasn't raised the proper way. I'm not saying i'm perfect, but i'm saying if ya was raised in the same environment i was raised and had strict church going parents such as i did, the chances of ya carrying this burden would've been minimal, but hey everybody isn't as blessed, but to tell ya trannies the truth IDC, because god took his time creating me and i don't have to worry about people not liking me for what my external features appear to people, and if i wasn't i'm sure i would've probably been in the gym and getting the perfect body i desire, but if your too lazy this right here is the option for ya faithless people. Anyways as "ya can read" i disapprove of these "Sex Change Surgey" procedures, but why the fuck would ya listen to what a 16 year old student-athlete with a promising life has to say right? Because ya ain't got nothing better to do like me, IDK how i got to this i remember i was doing a biography for a school project on Jennifer Lopez and it showed "before and after" photos of her having a butt lift and i miraculously came upon this blog, i'm not out here to call anyone an "abomination" to the MAN up there, or "Bible thumpers"(?WTF?) because humans are flawed, and i am an protestant which in other words a christian, i admit i don't go to church every damn hour or pray every 10min. but i have principals which i stay true to, i mean it's not embedded in your brain that your destine to be the opposite sex that your truly suppose to be, someone doesn't just wake up one morning and say, "I wanna have a pussy" but if your life is out of whack like that then you should do something about it. THIS should be your last option on ya list, someone or something has to force this in ya brain, in my brain for sure. Well i'm going to conclude my rant with saying, big ups to people who changed their pussy's to dick's/dick's to pussy's because ya some pain enduring hero's to some people(not me) and big ups to all the people who oppose to this because i kno how ya feel about this disgusting looking 'trans'formation people would do to them selves, and trannies should praise the people that hates and oppose you because haters make you stronger, so if you had a 100million haters last summer, your resolution for new years next summer should be:"100billion haters this summer baby" lolz, because there are a lot of races that hate ya lolz, and that's a good number of haters, wish i can have that much, but good luck avoiding them or letting your next partner find out your a tranny and coming up with excuses of not having a child =]

      -Yours truly bored teen

    82. Even though 'Bored Teen' cant speak/type proper English,I agree on one thing-'haters' make you better in the fact that the show you that ppl will always be against you-just gotta push on and be better.
      BTW 'Bored Teen' You speak of a promising life at 16-finish school and learn to read and then maybe youll have some hope. Right now Your a failure.

    83. Because we never die, we live life after death, If we all believe that when we die, it's the spirit that moves on, the body is not going anywhere. Therefore, it's the spirit within our (This life's) physical body, that needs to be nurtured. Some of us have more Female spirits within a male physical form, and some of us have more Male spirits within a female physical form. But whatever, some people will alter their bodies,if they may, in order to be condusive with that spirit. Just let their spirits be free and happy. WHAT WOULD JESUS SAY?

    84. wow . i just think this is a disgusting horribe idea.. like really cut ur dic in half and make a vagina????? like seriously if u are not a woman u will never bee one. u will ever have a uterus.. or be able to birth a child or even look like a real woman.. and reall turning r vagina into a penis??? that wont really work. is a bad idea like u dont have testicles ur not gonna bust a nut. u dont have sperm.. God made u who u are for a reason. if ur gay admit it take it and move on but dont go slicing things off

    85. wow . i just think this is a disgusting horribe idea.. like really cut ur dic in half and make a vagina????? like seriously if u are not a woman u will never bee one. u will ever have a uterus.. or be able to birth a child or even look like a real woman.. and reall turning r vagina into a penis??? that wont really work. is a bad idea like u dont have testicles ur not gonna bust a nut. u dont have sperm.. God made u who u are for a reason. if ur gay admit it take it and move on but dont go slicing things off

    86. Steven, you talking about me not 'speaking/typing proper English', i see you typing in AIM words, so don't tell me I'm a failure, you don't know me son, so i wouldn't say shit about me if i was in your position, and your talking about me finishing school right?? so your a grown ass man/woman(both)talking about what i said?? your just a fucking hypocrite BIOTCH!!! LOLZ, nd i dnt give a fuk!!! SUCK PUSS!!!

      -but still yours truly bored teen

    87. How am I talking in AIM words. Theres no such thing as 'AIM'words. BTW is an abbreviation, not internet lingo.
      I can talk all the shit I want little man, what are you going do about it? Nothing at all. Stop being an internet gangster.
      FYI Im 17 and DONE with school.

    88. some of you people have your facts completely wrong please understand what your talking about before you post. one person said how could someone of the other sex possibly feel like someone else... some people are born with extra hormones of the that are supposed to be with the other sex and act as such. one of the newer posters said
      "This is extremely unnatural and it is an abomination unto God!!! You might be able to snip and clip your genitals but that won't change your DNA and who you will always be because of that!!!"

      you say this is an abomination to god AND say that you can't change your DNA. well changing your DNA is possible, but has nothing to do with this, by adding enough hormones of the other sex you act more like them, as i said before.

      i hope this doesn't influence your thoughts on what i said but i don't believe in bravery. people do things because they're afraid of something, like not being happy. though i agree this must have been a hard decision.

    89. I am a devout Christian and a transgendered FTM. I have been ridiculed my entire life because I wouldn't be subservient and just " act like a girl" to make everyone else happy. I do not know of another birth defect than anyone is ridiculed and hated for and discouraged from correcting. Babies are born with diseases, with malformed limbs or without limbs entirely. These so-called "Christians" are the abomination. May God have mercy on your souls using the name of Christ to spew your hate. I have no doubt where I will be when I die. I need only to accept Christ as my savior, period. You can not out sin the grace of God, nor can you earn a passage to heaven. I have lived with this deformity and if I had the money I would have corrective surgery today. So I will live my life and make my decisions based on my own circumstances. I don't need approval from anyone. I wish all of those going through this peace. For those of you who feel the need to hate, I wish you peace as well.

    90. I beleive that the only one who knows how they truly feel inside is that individual and what they choose to do with their body is their business and do not deserve anyone criticising them or trying to tell them how they should feel. So for all the people who decide to get this operation. I SAY POWER TO THEM and wish them the BEST of luck and that they may lead a happy and comfortable life.

    91. All i have to say is how many of u have actually spoke to "GOD" and hes told u that what these people are doing is wrong. And if u have spoke to him tell him to give me a call he should know my number shouldnt he...:)

    92. For all you men and women out there discrimintaing other men and women for getting a sex change is wrong. Personally, I am not a transgender person but I am a lesbian. I don't understand the transgenders and their choice, but thats just it. I nor you ever will. You will never know how someone else feels or what they think. I am basically trying to say stop telling them that they are wrong, stop thinking that they do it to actually consider theirselfs "Straight" not "gay," stop judging them for one thing they want to change about themselves. I don't think people should get plastic surgery or boob jobs or gastric bypass... Its all an easy way out, but at the same time I don't get on my soap box and preach about how I don't approve of it so you all should do the same. Let these people live the way they want to. What they do does not interfer with your life so you have no right to say anything or to treat them any differently. Stop and think... We all make decisions and do things that other people don't agree with, so who are we to judge a complete stranger, who we know nothing about? Treat others as you want to be treated. Maybe your life would be better if you all put this much attention and effort into your own decisions and problems. Let lesbians, gays, bisexuals and trangenders live a normal life just like straight people do. Thats all we want. We have enough problems we don't need you judging us and putting us down for who we love and what we belive in. To all transgenders in the world... I Hillary fully support you in your decisions. Good luck and happiness to all!!!!


    94. THIS IS WRONG...ON SOOOOOO many levels. you are what you are, so deal with it. havnt u heard the phrase, dont try to fix something thats not already broken???

    95. All I can say as these operations look mighty, mighty painful. Some people are just not happy with the way that they are. These days, anything seems to be possible under the knife.

    96. Sex change was invented by the Russians to destroy the Western society...


    97. I really do not believe that these people feel like they are of the opposite sex but trapped in their body. None of it makes sense and it has nothing to do with EVOLUTION(that is to all these people who can not even spell it right). I believe that you are who you are. If you feel like you want to wear a skirt but you have a penis, more power to you but do not think that having surgery is going to change yourself into who you want to be. Changing your genitals is toying with nature. Why can't everyone be comfortable with what they were given and just focus being who they are on the inside. Taking drastic measures to change what can never be undone is just impractical and foolish.

    98. Wow! I can't believe how much people are stupid. God, Bible. You are so funny!

      God was invented so humans wouldn't feel alone, and wouldn't have to think about the ''where do we come from, where do we go when we die''. This is very pathetic !!!!!

      What is written in the bible was written by some hairy dude two thousands years ago, it does not make sense anymore !!! Do you guys know the word EVOLUTION? This is ridiculous.

      I hate religion so much, it drives people crazy. I hate USA, you're the most ''god-lover'' country, yet your country destroys other countries, and you support your fuckin troops. Ohhhhh was that written in the bible ? Kill each other ? Follow Bush? Ohhh sex change is worst than all this isn't it! something written two thousands years ago is the same as believing that Epilepsy is a mental problem, or that the earth is flat.

      Your stupid religion doesn't have a thing to do with sex change dammit !

      A body is only skin. If the mind is not okay with the skin, why wouldn't be ok to change it ??? Giving the only reason ''God did not want this!'' or ''This was not written in Bible you'll go in hell!'' is for people with very very very lazy minds.

      God freaks. You suck.


    100. For some like me, there is no surgery capable of correcting my physical deformity. My deformity is skeletal and visible to anyone who has the gift of sight. Does this affect my sexual being or sexual desirability? I’m certain it does. There is a great deal of pressure in the world today to conform to certain images that maybe only .0000001% of the world can live up to, and while these few people live there lives others consume theirs with the unattainable goal of becoming the “perfect version of themselves”. There are many ways to find purpose and happiness in life, Cutting up a perfectly healthy body and taking chances on the long term side effects is not a responsible option for surgeons to be offering. Many people (accident victims, war veterans, persons with disabilities, victims of violent crime) who also have a difficult time identifying with what they feel they should look like, would gladly trade you for your “ unbearable physical burden” just to be as beautiful or perfect as you. You only go around once, don’t focus on the negative. Our minds are the most difficult things to change, but maybe the most important.

    101. JESUSSS! hell naw that shit is disgusting and you gotta be very brave & dedicated to do something like this. omg.

    102. i would never do this to myself. i do think that it is something thta i would never consider because personally i am fine with the way god made me. (excuse this comment if u arent christian) in other words i am happy with who i am. But why would god let man discover this technology if he didnt want it to be used? (once again if ur not christian i apologize) the people who undergo these operations obviously are looking for happiness in there lives, are you so bitter, so cruel that you would actually mock the one thing that could make them happy. take time to reflect on your life and if you discover that your not happy, isnt that just another reason to celebrate for someone else who is? i wish these men and women THE best of luck, and hope that karma always finds those who have the nerve to criticize there ways.
      ~a very wise 12 year old~

    103. dont judge a book by its cover because what lies beneath it may suprise you. i am twelve years old, dirt poor, but living in a condominium. i barely know who my parents are because they work to help support me and 7 other children. we've had a very rough life and i would like to say you people disgust me! get off ur high horses and decide if who u are is who you really want to be. imagine feeling trapped inside your own body!? these people would endure pain for change and u pack of low-lives r just putting them down. how dare u make mockery of the bible by putting gods name in this battle?! if ur so sure that your opinion is right, why do u need the bible to back u up?! the world is the scum whole it is because of people like u and i for one am disgusted. im going to pray every night for these people, and i dont care how useless it seems. pick of a fucking bible read it a million times and no where does it say: god hates fags. there not even homosexuals. what it does say is that god loves all people! and no matter what you say these brave men and women are all people. SHAME ON YOU!
      ~a very wise 12 year old~

    104. I am a Christian and i love and deeply belive in god and i am defedently not for sex change. However, for the so called "Bible Thumpers" i am not against it either. Ever since the begining of time human kind has sought after a better state of mind. And if that comes at the price of changing your gender than by all means more power to you. I am sure my fellow Christians will crucify me for my post but let me say just one thing....... Who am i (or you for that matter) to judge somebody? for we are certainly not God so just set the pitch forks and torches down and let him cast his judgement. To all the supporters and people thinking of the surgery (and this comes from a neutral party) May god bless you all and if it makes you happy than who am i to say it is wrong?
      GodBless and much love to everyone

    105. All you bible thumping people who say 'god put you on this planet to live like this'

      Well I'm certain you cross wavers and bible thumpers don't have to deal with it ever. If you do you're probably out with the clergy taking advangate of little boys and girls anyway so why be so judgemental?

    106. G'morning Vietnam! Haha! We are so fuckin' back. Fo 'sho. We've been at church camp. Get into all sorts of trouble. Like playing tummy sticks ALL summer long. Like kid rock, in that cool song. Thats right, it's Brandon and Scott.

      This is dedicated to my good friend Bailee. Quit bangin' your teacher and give me a try will ya? Thats a joke. So walk away, the men are talking now. We can go to the store later, and you can TRY on hats, not buy them.

      But seriously, time to have an intellectual debate and/or conversation about... Obama. Not, he's a Nigger, he's SO not worthy to speak to me, and my people. They are called, white people. We are SO much better then everyone else. Hitler was so right. Not really. Well he had the right idea, except his ideas were ridiculous. I mean honestly, the mustache was so 70's, and hot.

      But really, I don't like you. At all. Your so silly. With your wieners, that have been turned into, a cup full of spaghettio's. You guys are so fucking weird, i love my penis, i like to play with it when im bored, i rub it, caress it, check our poem, ya , i know, sweet right?

      But yes, we do post as a couple, because we are fuck, gotta love that poop dick, turns me right the fuck on...yum yum. and we are 15, our mommies saw what we writed and spanked us....but if you think they were mad then, you should have seen it when they caught us fucking, not too pleased...she said gay people aren't bad, they are actually a very clean people and they have been ever since the came here from FRANCE....fuckin french.

      Oh, and yes we did jump off a bridge. And it was amazing. The bridge, was 2 feet high. I'm ok if you were wondering. Just a strees fracture in my ankle, and a lot of emotional damage. But I think we'll make it. As a couple, while we caress ourselves with coconut scented oils while listening to Berry White in the hot summer night. Yeah, we can rhyme, fuck you Eminem. So back to the lecture at hand...

      You all know how we feel. If had a gun, and you didn't, I would fuckin' shoot you. But, we would have to be in international waters, because I don't want to have a dead-hacked up-penis-dude-murder trial... Anyone want to go on a boat ride? I call it the S.S. Your fuckin' dead. Cool name huh? My father named it. And my father was a GENIUS! And a fellow queer hater. he was the founder. So if you can't tell, my dad doesn't like me very much. And thats... why he's dead. I don't fuck around.

      But really, we are here to fuck shit up. Just kidding, you guys have been great. Your such good people. Standing up for those, we can't, because there balls were chopped off and now are in my Spaghettio's which I'm devouring right now.

      Ohhh! Mr. Twelve year old. Get ready to have SO many of your feelings hurt. Because you are so... CUTE. But really, your poor, nobody gives a fuck what you say. Everyone knows that poor people aren't real, and have no souls, so pretty much, your just the same as these tranny bastards cause they don't have souls either. Because during the operation the doctor removes them, and sells them on the Black Market, a $100 bucks a pop. They are not worth much. I do sell them on eBay as well. So look me up. My eBay user name is CheapesetSoulsAround. Grannie Ewww.

      But back to the main topic. I had a birthday a few weeks back. And my mom asked, what do you want for your birthday wittle Scotty? And I said, Mom, I wish that all the people that had their wittle wieners removed, and twats extended, to be put in a hole. And that this hole, be full of used heroine needles, and gasoline, and sharks with laser beams attached to their heads. She said yes. Construction starts next week. So I do encourage you all to give donations to this great cause.

      OK, so I know the real reason you are all here. The burning question. The epitome of hyberbola. But seriously, I think what we are all curious about is She Males. How the hell does that work? How do they have BOTH. Can the fuck them selves. Cause that hott. And I'm thinking about changing my birthday wish, to becoming a shemale. So I can finally get laid. So that way, I could see a REAL human vagina in person. Where is the clitoris located?

      One thing I do want to ask. You told me to go see a real human vagina. Has anyone seen a fake human vagina? Cause that might be pretty cool. Cause then she couldn't get preggo, and you could blow inside every time. Thats if anyone still has a dick left. Seriously, who wants to pull out? Jizzin' on the the Teeze, is hott, but everyone wants to come to fruition inside.

      New paragraph. Today in school, i started to learn cursive. And while I was learning cursive, I noticed that a lot of letters don't look the same anymore. And it reminded me of you people. You all, started to learn cursive on your dicks and twats. So we are starting a school, it's called Brandon and Scott's school for people who don't want to learn cursive on their dicks center.

      And another thing, I bet your parents are so disappointed in you all. Not mad, just disappointed. So much worse. That is the ultimate BURN. ON. YOU. Oww.

      If you guys, would like some more of the beef cakes, and would like a slice, for personal use (wink wink) just ask. Until next time. Stay golden pony boy.

      Brandon and Scott. Queer Haters of the Northwest. But kinda gay, so burn on us.

    107. God is a made up story because it is human nature to need to believe in a "higherpower" If any of you think you have a right to judge anyone elses life whether it is what they feel, believe or how they run their own life, maybe you should go back and read the part that says your "God" is the only person who has the right to judge, so keep judging, your single mindedness will get you a ticket straight to your "Gods" Hell.... or did you just ignore that part while you were studying the bible?

    108. lets hear some horror stories....i wanna hear about the times shit went wrong....does it happen?.....can you post pictures of that...interviews ect?

    109. Why the people should go through this scary and painful procedures? Better live as crossdressers rather than sex change surgery-

    110. I stumbled upon this web site looking at plastic surgery options. I'm a heterosexual man with no plans for a sex change.

      However, I do understand why people do. Much respect to those who take control of the lives and search out happiness, however they find it.

      to those who seem to have a problem with what is essentially, none their business! why do you feel the need to hurt people in the name of a God that preaches understanding and tolerance? if there something wrong with them.. surely he is to blame?

      I know this may offend some religious people. But, seeing as the subject has been raised, I will throw my own opinion in.

      God to me,(if he/she exists), is an entity that span some plates a number of billion years ago and then left us vulnerable mortals to it. oh, he/she did supposedly send a hippy a couple of thousand years ago. Who said be excellent to each other and then died for our sins....big deal! sorry, he died. But, Millions of us mortals die each year and worse. I'm not feeling it was that much of a sacrifice on the scale of things.

      Sorry again, but that’s the way I feel. I believe in PEOPLE, their inherent ingenuity and goodness. I also believe that they have the right to seek the illusive happiness is this brief existence.

    111. I agree with the above poster (Jan. 27). And I really think that going through such surgery is a lil extreme. I mean, sorry that you don't like your own body but...despite what you think it's still beautiful and you should learn to appreciate it anyways. Why destroy your genitals?
      No offense to those that do this PAINFUL procedure, but basically you'll still be the same gender you were born as. God bless.

    112. I have read through a lot of the posted comments on this board, and I have to say.. I'm actually not surprised in the least at some of the things that have been said.

      I am MTF, I'm 19 years old and I came out as MTF about 6 months ago after considering it from the age of 9. I have slept with guys before and personally penises do absolutly nothing for me. I decided that I must be a lesbian and lived my life up until this point as one.

      To those out there who claim to be speaking for God, he created us in his own image.. That doesn't necessarily mean that we are all the exact same. I'm not saying that God is transgendered, that he's white, heterosexual or homosexual. God may not be what people expect him to be. And the bible has been translated so many times now that the true meaning behind it's words have been lost. If the bible was used in a court of law, it would be described as unuseable evidence based on that fact.

      What it comes down to.. is perhaps when God created us in his image, what it means is that we are changeable. We evolve and grow. There is no set norm for the human species.

      And to those who aren't religious (because lets be honest, not everyone is a christian): you really are a bunch of small minded individuals. There are greater things in life than your own hands, maybe you should try them? Being transgendered or being LGBT in general doesn't mean you are a freak. It isn't a lifestyle choice, because in all honesty WHO THE HELL WANTS TO PUT THAT MUCH STRESS IN THEIR OWN LIFE? I don't wish i was straight, i love who i am. and I am male. I know that as much as i know that the sun comes up during the day - something u small brained dickheads need to learn i think

    113. If someone wants a sex change I don't see why it needs to affect anyone else; but some people seem to be very emotional about it when it supposedly doesnt involve them; or does it. I wonder therefore about these people who get very hot under the collar about it.
      I would like to point out to all those self righteous biggots who think they have a significant opinion that their opinions really dont count for much. one day the sun will go supernova and our childrens childrens children and all that humaity stood for will be wiped out of memory. And if you think that god will save you from all of this then your imagination has got the better of your senses.
      to all those who think about having a sex change; be bloody sure about it cos theres no going back and good luck to ye all.

    114. I think some of you people are just trying to prove how smart you are and end up sounding like a bunch of arrogant douchebags. I think alot of you are judgmental bastards whether you're spouting off foul shit about trans-sexuals or christians. By the way I've heard both sides of this debate say some dumbass shit. As for the subject at hand I think if any one is willing to put themselves through that much pain and spend that much money then that must be their only option. So if it makes you happy then get your checkbook and your pain pills ready and go for it. Oh yeah and I just can't resist.... Let the one who has never sinned cast the first stone John 8:7

    115. Wow... so many angry people. If you don't want one then don't get one.

      I for one, if I was braver and had more money, would consider a Metoidioplasty. Even just a very basic one where everything was left untouched except for having my clitoris made to appear as a penis. Why? Because I feel like I'm missing a penis. Like there should be one there. It's seriously an ache I've had to deal with, and I've had to face up to the fact that I'm both too scared and too poor to go through with fixing it.

      To the bible thumpers: "God put that tumor in your head, which means you were meant to have a tumor!" or perhaps I could say "God gave you cancer! You shouldn't try to get better because God wanted you to have cancer!" Good job bible thumpers. Go heckle someone with Diabetes or something if you want to think that way.

      We have the technology to help us feel better, so we do so. God, should you believe in such, gave us the mental capacity and want to help others feel better and so we do.

      Lastly, you can't say what anyone else may or may not feel like because you aren't them. You don't feel the loss or absence that they do. There is no way you can possibly understand it, and that's just the way it is. Just the mere fact they're willing to go through with all this pain to get rid of the feeling of longing and, well, loss that they have should be some clue as to how immense the feeling is. I, obviously, am not even feeling the amount of emotional pain they must feel pre-op as I'm not seeking to go through with the operation.

      To those that know someone who is considering, all you can do is try to be understanding, perhaps talk with them about it to better understand their feelings (it's about them, not you), and be as supportive as you can. You can even ask if they've thought it through and ask about how they came to their decision if you do so gently... but if you're anything but, then all you're doing is needlessly hurting someone else.

      Wow, that was a lot longer than I thought it would be. Guess I had a lot more stored up about the subject than I thought.

    116. To the Anonymous (of the multitude) that said the following:
      Many people (accident victims, war veterans, persons with disabilities, victims of violent crime) who also have a difficult time identifying with what they feel they should look like, would gladly trade you for your “ unbearable physical burden” just to be as beautiful or perfect as you.

      It's not about being perfect. Do these look like perfect representations of male genitalia? No, they don't. It's about attaining a piece of yourself that has been missing. It's about finding that arm or leg you were born without. Neither would many go through that much pain just for an aesthetic appearance. It's so much more than that, and like I said, there's no way for you to understand it, ESPECIALLY if you don't even care to.

    117. you know who really need help?! It's all those narrow minded, redneck, bullshit religious fanatics who think they have the right to cast judgement on other peoples lives. Grow the fuck up, the world is round, sky is blue some people are gay, others transgender so fucking what, they are still human, with human emotions and feelings worry about your own pathetic life!!!!!!!

    118. for all people on this post who disagree with this operation. WHY ARE YOU REASURCHING THIS TOPIC ON THE INTERNET? Please go to a website that fits your interest.

    119. if they want to get any of those surgurys done thats cool cuz its what they want no one should care cuz its their own stuff. all u people who leave nasty comments whether you be bible people or just skeptics shut up because nobody cares about what you think and anyways what are u doing looking up this anyway perhaps you are hypocrites dont go looking for what you dont want to see. and people who want to say nice things about it thats cool they dont judge and were curiouse like i was to see how something like this gets done....critics are close minded people and you all know that nobody likes you if i ever witnessed uyou makeing these acusations id probably want to kick the liveing shit out of you cause your so wrong and hurtful to others and you deserve to die in the most painfull way possible you f!@#*&^ ass h!@#$!!

    120. To all those christians who say transgenderism is wrong/an abomination/gross/sinful/etc., I am a bit ashamed to admit that I am a christian after seeing my beloved religion represented so horribly by you. I was hoping the virtues of compassion, charity, and brotherly love might be the tools by which you peddle our faith, but perhaps when you so vigorously thump the top, those virtues end up falling out at the bottom. Please, in the future, remember that you are addressing human beings, equal creatures that are worthy of and deserving of your respect and compassion. Our religion is based first and foremost on the sanctity of our relationship with God, and we preserve our relationship with Him by treating eachother, HIS OTHER CHILDREN, with dignity and respect. Verbally abusing eachother, even in the name of- no, ESPECIALLY in the name of christianity, will only serve to alienate ourselves from Him and from eachother.

      To all the transgender people out there who came to this site trying to find information and support, I must apologize for all of the hateful things that were posted here. You are owed such an apology, let me be the one to give it, even though I am not responsible for it, because I believe the ones who do owe it will never apologize.
      It is such a shame that you are not allowed to live in peace, even as you pursue the means to achieve it. No person, NO PERSON, no matter what they've been through or how many books they've read can tell you how you should feel. No person can tell you what should be endured, and no person can tell you what God wants or intends for you. Only YOU know what is right for you, and only YOU know what is in your heart and in your relationship with God. All the best to you in your endeavors.

    121. True do not preach for God, there is unconditional love and free will... it's hard enough to admit being transgender but to change your body to be who you really are inside is a huge step that scared close minded bitches are jealuos of cause you'd never have the bravery some have to be able to commit to their surgeries.

    122. Hi my name is Jeremy Ive been suffering with gender idenity since 3. Though I live as a male and have a girlfriend I still consider myself a woman. Ive been close to changing phisicaly but have decided against it because like they have said before is the grass greener on the other side? I am a woman on the inside and have been one since I can remember. Though I am no gay man I dont act gay But inside I am your sister, I am your daughter, I am your friend. I do not feel sorry for myself for having this disorder because I think it makes me a stronger person lol I know what girls like. It has been said I eat a mean pussy lol. Im glad god has made me this way so I can have the experinces I have had. And to those who hate me and others like me and think we are freaks I understand I have caught myself using the fag word and so on an so forth. But one thing you can never use is god because god loves in the deapest of ways. Jesus died for my sins as much as he did for yours so when you go around using his name as a power tool remember you one day will have to face him with your own sins as will I. Thanks for reading and good luck to all who chose the sugery.

    123. All the people that undergo this treatment are very brave and strong. Its hard to tell someone that you hate the body your in. Even harder to tell your parents because you;d think they would dis-own you. If you do not like the way you are and your suffering badly because of it you should have the right to undergo any treatment to make sure you feel happy again. All these religious people using God as a tool to fight against these suffering people must take into account the pain these people go through inside. If God loved us why did he create people who hated the body they were in? Why can't God come into action and sort this problem out?

      Best wishes go to all those who plan to undergo this treatment and may your lives be much more happier and joyful afterwards.

    124. This seems to be a very painful and scary procedure, but to those of you that have chosen to undertake it, I congratulate your bravery and I sincerely wish you the best in life.

      For all of the fanatical Bible thumpers out there that are condemning the individuals who have chosen this path, remember this, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".

      To the Feb. 28th, 2008 "Anonymous" poster, I say that your comments in themselves are an abomination, not only to God, but to humanity. You're obviously a very shallow and weak minded individual and I will pray for you. I'm a Christian, and MY God is a loving, generous, and forgiving God. NOT the fearsome, spiteful, and vengeful God YOU make him out to be. It is just that type of fanaticism that has kept the middle east in turmoil from "holy war" for thousands of years, so I kindly remind you that before you judge someone else, take a good hard look in the mirror and remember that it is not your place to judge anyone.

    125. Hello, another transman posting. I can't believe that this conversation has been going on for a solid year now.. though it can hardly be called a "conversation" that, as the word implies some kind of civil discourse, or at least a set of people actually sticking around to face replies instead of spewing forth a gun reaction and running (for the record, I direct this towards both the self-proclaimed God-Warriors and the "LOL NO GOD WHAT NOWWW?!?!111" groups)

      To me, a sex change isn't about trying to change my identity or to run away from who I truly am. I am male. I have been male.

      To the people who do not understand the motivation behind it yet insist upon making negative comments, please read on for just a little while more. For one who comes to post in the name of Jesus Christ, it may do you well to do so with a bit more enlightenment.


      A "normal", cysgendered person has little chance of accurately imagining for themselves what goes through the head of a transgendered individual. For some reason, it does not often occur to them to imagine themselves, the same mentally, but born into the body of the opposite sex. This is as close as one could get to knowing how it is to experience one's entire life as a transgendered individual.

      To reply to a few comments through the months, I'm no movie star, but I'm not hideous--this isn't about "not getting any". This is about going up to a guy, having a great conversation, thinking I've made a new friend, but having him think he's found a girlfriend. This is about going through the social aspects of life, and repeatedly being treated in a way that makes you uncomfortable deep down in your soul because of what the world thinks you are based on your appearance.

      This is getting long, but I'd just like to say that, no, this isn't something that will change who I am, only the things that I will be able to do. I'll be able to walk with more confidence, and to be called "mister" and "sir". After hormone treatments, I'll be able to grow distinguished facial hair.

      And, well... I'll be able to have awkward sex with a nearly shamefully odd, dysfunctional penis, but if it gets the job done and, even more importantly, if it's with someone I really love, I don't see how that could be so bad. - go ahead and email this rambler if you want to hear more about anything specific, or if you'd like to disapprove of me in a civil manner and be willing to hold an actual conversation.

    126. everyone has the right to be happy, if a person wants to get this done, let them.. Why does it matter if they get it or don’t? it’s their body, their decision, not yours

    127. Ive talked to some MtF trangenders, and a straight man who was dating a MtF and they seemed to be happy with themselves. It inspired me to read up and consider the surgery, but after seeing these photo's I dont think that I can be this brave.

    128. So much ignorance here. People are born transsexual and SCIENCE has proved it. Check out the following:

      Especially the "Gender Basics" section. Transsexuality is a naturally occurring birth condition. As such choice is NOT involved. It's a brain-body mismatch. The operation is just one small part of the long process of transition. Transition changes the body so that it matches the gender identity of the individual. Maybe it matches for 99% of you, but some of us weren't so lucky. I wish they had follow-up pictures as well because once healed transsexual women look exactly like other women. I know most of you are too afraid to believe that (that's called transphobia). But I know it to be a FACT because I've been there, done that.

      Getting back to gender identity. Everyone has a gender identity. And like I said for 99% of folks their gender identity and body match. After trying to "cure" us for more than a century doctors learned the hard way that gender identity is inborn and unchangeable. Since the mind can't be changed Dr Benjamin decided to try helping transsexual people medically transition to the identified gender. The results were an overwhelming success. Approximately 98-99% of people who transition lead much happier and healthier lives for it. That's a higher efficacy rate than for almost ANY medical procedure.

      For you bible types all I have to say is:

      Judge not lest ye be judged.

    129. I just have this to say: People who go through this type of surgery have lived very rough lives up to the point of their surgery. Never feeling quite right or accepted in society with the body they were put on this earth with. As a man, I would never decide to part from my natural body and all its appendages, but I was born blessed; I feel comfortable in my own skin. This is not always the case. Some feel lost in their own bodies and they, as people who want a boob job or a penile enlargement, deserve whatever they believe will make them finally feel at peace with their body.
      Whether there is a God or not is not necessarily the fact of the matter. The whole point in getting such a surgery is to feel good about one's self. If God put someone on earth to live unwanted and unloved, to be bashed and beaten, to be hated and despised by those who preach in the name of our Lord, then I'm not sure I would want to worship one so vindictive. I'm not here to say that God isn't real or just, I am merely stating the obvious fact that God might have had a few too many shots of vodka before he made certain illnesses, diseases, or deformities. He did, however, give us humans the mental capacity to choose our own battles and to decide whether or not our body suits what our mind feels. We have the intellect (well...some of us do) to fix our bodies, strengthen our minds, and to further better our futures. I don't think he would have put us in his world like this unless he had the intentions of us learning and changing.
      On a side note, people who post on this site with only the intentions to bash and hurt others for finally taking charge of their life is not in the preachings of the Lord. I don't believe it morally or spiritually right to take it upon yourself to convey what YOU believe God has to say about a certain matter. The fact of the matter is that He knows everything about one individual person's life before he creates them, knowing full well what they would decide to do with themselves along the way. With this being true, why would He create someone knowing that, in the end, they would defy his teachings? Why wouldn't He create a world full of people who only, night and day, worship him, read the bible and never commit a sin? This is simply illogical.
      Also, a sin is a sin is a sin. People who, supposedly, commit sins are just as damned as those who commit sin of not loving thy neighbor. In the end, it's all about forgiveness. We, as humans, do not get to dictate which sin is worth damnation and which is not. This is left up to the Lord, himself.
      To the people who have gotten a sex change, go you. I hope now you may finally be able to rest easy in your new body. It took a lot of strength to go to a surgeon and ask for this surgery. For that I commend you. Don't listen to what anyone has to say to you because, in the end, it isn't their body and they don't have the power to tell you what you did is a sin. If it were a sin, I'm sure the loving Creator himself would forgive you just as much as he would a rapist or murderer or hate-speaking Christian. God loves you. I love you. Great job.
      To anyone wanting a sex change, go for it. Know that there are always going to be those who will torment you for doing something you feel should only be natural. They have nothing better to do in their own lives so they get pleasure out of hurting others in the name of a god. Take nothing they have said to heart. Be strong and follow your heart. There will always be those who support and love you.
      Everyone wants to feel accepted and normal. To try to impede someone's want to be just like everyone else is surely a sin in itself. May God have mercy on your hypocritical soul.


    130. I never seen what transgendered genitals looked like until appreciate what you have people! Don't mutilate yourselves!

    131. i just want to say im not here to judge BUT for you cant use scripture to prove your point...thats kind of an oxymoron dont you think?
      i also think that yes maybe an individual does not feel "right" being a man or a woman but having this surgery doesnt change how the Lord has put you on this earth. we are told to fight sin..satan is doing everything in his power to make us sin and we must fight it. being homosexual is not something you are born with it is choice..
      just like smoking weed or killing someone. so if you are attracted to the same sex, having this surgery is not the answer. prayer is! :)
      someone said it doesnt have a lot in the BIble about homosexuals...
      well one passage is enough.
      and for "catherin doll" we as christians are told to evangelize so that is what i am doing...not at all judging, it is not my place to judge but it is my job to spread Gods word to others.
      God bless you all!!

    132. META: This is a COMPLEEEETELY different issue than a tumor. Do you understand that when a person has this surgery it does not change the fact that they are still the same sex they were before they went into surgery? The issue here is homosexuals. I am NOT here to jugde and please dont think i am but a lot of you all are trying to take what we christians are saying out of context and that is wrong. you cant just pick and choose to make your argument stronger.
      And if all of you non-christians are so adamant about us christians being "mean" well why doesnt the name calling stop? "bible thumpers".....really?! I hope you find Jesus because He is the answer.

      Choosing to date the same sex is a choice. Some may say why would someone bring that upon themselves...satan is why.

    133. what do they do with the extra bits? ..... make wallets and purses?

    134. I find it ironic that those who gripe about "Christians" being ignorant and hypocritical bash Christians for bashing others and than end you're comments with comments like "love to all" and talk about being accepting and loving and caring. Practice what you preah, you're telling people not to bash others and yet bashing someone at the same time.

      And I also do believe in God and agree with gender reassignment surgery, so dont sterotype all religious peoples, they dont all have to be close-minded and ignorant.

    135. Kids (I call you kids, because that what you're acting like) that only have God as their back up for opposing the idea of a sex change need to shush and get that mush out of your heads.

      What if God didn't exist? For all anyone knows, he doesn't. What if there was no authoritative being named "God?" What would you have to say? Nothing.

      Be chill. If you don't agree with it, then leave it be. If you truly believe in God, and that its in his power to choose people's fates, then let him do that. Let God judge. It's not your place.

      And for those who get the operation; all power to you. That takes some guts on not only a mental and emotional level, but a physical level.

    136. welli am a birsexual female. Now that i have been watching the real world Brooklyn, i have become very curious about this sex change shit. Now i am curious. i want to see one in real life . I f u dont mind showing me this call me at 1774 454 4860 Ask for Andy or send me a picc

    137. THIS IS WRONG! God made you who you are for a reason if he wanted them to be the opposite sex he would have made them that way! These people are playing God, and he is not happy about that. And for the people who are talking about God in a bad way you OBVIOUSLY dont go to church or know anything about God. It shows you have no clue what you are talking about. God made you who you are for a reason. On judgement day you all will find out, I just pray that you do before its to late. = ]

    138. I personally believe that these people are not only sick but pathetic. They are depressed because they have the wrong sexual organs from birth and then they are more depressed when they finally have the penis or vagina that they wanted. They need to seek counseling for more than transgender issues but the problems within themselves. They will never be happy because they want the world to be sympathetic for their problems but honestly nobody gives a shit. The only reason they have this surgery now is for the money they can make off all you fucking losers who need another excuse to get sympathy. None of you will ever be accepted for what you are because you yourself don't even know what that is. Being gay/lesbian transgender/transexual, Whatever! Its all a crock of shit! Find a hobby and get a life or better yet go back under the rock that you crawled out of! Its disgusting!

    139. Transtesticals should all be shot on site. If some faggot bastard who got a sex change hit on me I will kill the sick bastard.

    140. Someone who is born into a body they believe is not theirs? Why isn't this investigated from a psychological aspect? Multiple personalities, body disassociation, and illusory physical standards are all things that fall under the category of mental illness. I am in no way saying that all who opt to undergo gender reassignment are mentally unstable. But why is this never even discussed? I guess what I'm saying is that I don't understand it. You don't understand it either.

    141. If you people are so against others becoming transgender then why in the hell are you so curious to be here looking at photos and putting others down? You say god would be against this and that, but do you realize you are wrong too. We are not here to be judging anybody at any time. We will all be judged in the end by the man himself. so maybe you better get the good book out yourself and read up on who does the judging before you go judging others because you yourself will be judged in the end. God Bless You All!

    142. Why is everyone being so hateful towards one another? I don't think this reflects any sort of dignity on either part...
      Christians: I understand what your beliefs are, I truly do. I attend chuch and I read the bible. I find it very helpful to see both sides of an argument.
      Atheists: I don't see how you find it nessisary to devote your time to putting down Christians. Atheism has transformed itself into the belief that whatever a Christian says is wrong. It he become a religion in and of itself. If you don't agree with what the Christians believe, that's your perrogative but don't spend all your time hating Christians.
      Same goes for you Christians. Please, for the love of everything holy, stop. Don't spend YOUR time hurting others. It simply isn't right. The bible teaches love, not hate. Learn to love everyone for who they are and to accept them for their flaws just as Jesus did. Every time you go on one of these site, whatever your reason may be, please ask yourself WWJD. I find it easy to love all religions for the fact that they're working a cause. Albeit, Nature worship, Spiritual worship, the worship of Nothing, whatever! It is all about one's own faith and love that truly counts. What does all of the hate posted on this site do for anyone? Justification? Self satisfaction? It simply isn't right...if you don't accept it, that's fine. Let your light shine as an example. Not a beacon of hate...don't force your beliefs on others. If you see someone you want to preach to, ask them first if they're comfortable with it. Don't just blurt out your thoughts.
      Also, ending with "God bless you all" is more of a insult if anything. It's rude. I try to remain 3rd party on everything I write, noticing both sides have their flaws. This has been a fight to end the ages, your word does not change anything no matter how much you'd love it to.
      Just please play nice. Love everyone no matter what their flaws are. Atheist let it go. It isn't worth the fight. Christians choose your battles.

    143. For the longest time I was so stunned by the posts here that I couldn't think of anything to say, but here's my opinion.

      As I understand it, the first rule of every religion is to love your fellow man. All that I'm feeling from the con-surgery side of the debate is hatred. An human beings, you have the responsibility, nay an obligation, to love and support all people, regardless of sexual orientation or transgendered nature. How can you be so condescending and malicious of a group of human beings who are simply trying to feel... whole, balanced, at peace with themselves. They only want to match what they feel in their hearts and souls with how they feel physically.

      I fully support all those brave people who seek to change their sexuality, and I give them this message:

      Ignore the haters, the zealots, and the ignorant. Remember that a fool's words are dust. Believe in the path that your heart leads you too; if you do, you shall only find peace and satisfaction.

      I wish all you transgendered people the best of fortune in your lives, may your days be filled with the joy and happiness you deserve,


    144. THERE IS NO GOD! There is nothing more stupid than saying that something's right 'cause god made it. Haven't you heard about evolution? This is just so crazy. I wish people who say that sex change surgery is unnatural etc would experience the feeling of being in a wrong body. I have to admit that I have no clue what it feels like, I was born in the right body. But some aren't as lucky.

    145. Hi Folks. I hope anyone who may read this is doing very well in all aspects of your life.

      In the interest of full disclosure, I am a 54 year old transsexual woman (that would be a MTF aka Male to Female). I only began my transition three years ago. I battled silently with my gender issues since I was about 4 or 5 years old and experienced much pain. I only wanted to do what was right and to please everyone in my life. I prayed much and lived with tremendous guilt for the feelings that I needed to be a soft feminine woman. I did everythin I could to prove to myself that I was a tough dude and not a soft sensitive female but even after 50 years the need to be the woman I was meant to be was overwhelming. I did not ask for this nor did I want it but I would have done anything to flip a switch and wake up the next day a beautiful woman. Most folks think we are dealing with sexual problem and we are suffering with some weird sexual fantasy or proclivity but for me it was not at all about sex but more about who I am. I did not dwell on sexual urges at all and had no interest in sex with men. I just wanted to be a pretty woman and I felt this way since I was about 4 years old.

      I am much happier now that I have lived as a woman for 2 years now and I am accepted as a woman with few negative comments. I waited a long time but it was worth it.


    146. I first off would like to praise those who told their story on this site. First off if you change your gender it DOESNT mean your gay, so saying that the bible thinks gay is a sound ignorant. And whoever said gay is a choice like smoking weed boggles my mind. Why would these people choose to be scrutinized by closeminded people like you everyday?? Do you people honest have nothing better to do with your lives than bash others who are different?? It is really ashame! Let people do what they like to make them feel comfortable in their own skin. People get plastic surgery to change their boob size, their noses, rid their wrinkles, suck the fat out of their butt and put them in their cheeks, lifting their face to look younger, but thats all ok? These people are not hurting you so just shut it!

    147. Congratulations to people who have been open, supportive, and nonjudgmental and especially people who are brave enough to undergo this surgery.

      For the haters who use religion as the basis for their arguments: I am Catholic, and I see no reason why this surgery should be offensive to God. The Bible never mentions transgendered people. It says that anal sex between two men is wrong--but it also says that it is wrong to eat shellfish and that disobedient children should be put to death. Jesus said that people should love one another without judgment. And just because God made us the way He did doesn't mean he doesn't want us to do what we can to make our lives better. He gave us the intelligence and creativity to make such changes; why not use them?

      For nonreligious opposition: I admit, I am offended by people who counter arguments by claiming that there is no God and that, therefore, those who believe in Him are ignorant. I do believe in God, and I also support transgendered people, gays, atheists, and people of other religions.


      This surgery does not affect you personally. Objectively, it is not very different from breast implants, tummy tucks, tattooing, piercing, or other bodily modifications: the patient pays money and undergoes pain in order to make his/her body more pleasing to him/her. If you don't have a problem with the things I mentioned, I don't see why you should have a problem with this.

      On the other hand, I see where some people are coming from. In some cases, I think that SRS can really help a person to be happy and confident and to live a normal life. If they are willing to pay and undergo treatment, I see no reason why they should not do it. But in other cases, such as people who have had children, I think that the surgery can be irresponsible. And I agree that the surgery will never "make" a person male or female--a FTM cannot ejaculate, a MTF cannot become pregnant, and neither has the life experience of a person born the "right" sex. But if people feel it will make them more comfortable with themselves, I fully support them and will continue to do so.

      God bless.

    148. That is the most disgusting revolting thing I have ever seen in my life or could ever imagine. The Women and men who have sex changes, not hermaphradites, are truly an abomination to mankind. SICK FUCKS Transexual women are special people you fucking creep

    149. Why can't we just all love each other??? No one can say what they would do if u had to live ur life like these people do. It is their body...their decision...n all this talk about god...we r all his, white, asian, gay, strait, if we have deformaties, pussy's dick,s...he judges is not our job to judge. Learn to love people for who they r not what they r...u could be missing out on an amazing person!

    150. For those of you who don't understand or think that those people who go through with these operations are heathens, think of this.

      I'm only 18, I've been a tomboy for all of that small life-time. I can't stand girls clothes, long hair, I don't understand how girls act, and I get along with the boys so much better. I don't sexually like boys, but when I think about being a lesbian, it just doesn't fit. I'm not a girl who likes other girls, I don't feel like I fit in this body that was made for me.

      I grew up a Christian, and frankly, if God is so powerful, then how did he screw up and put me in the wrong body? I walk around and feel so out of place, because I don't fit in anywhere as a girl.

      You can't reasonably argue that it is so wrong unless you are God Himself, in which case, thanks for screwing up here. And also, you can't say that people are sick or mental, or again, argue that it's wrong, unless you've been there yourself.

      We're humans just like you, but the body we got feels like the wrong set of skin. It's like being in the wrong home, or with different parents. You tolerate it because you have to, but it doesn't feel right. And its even worse, when the means come around for you to finally feel like you belong, and people start hating you for it and calling you a monster or a freak. I'm human, too.

      I'm stuck trying to figure out how to pay for the changes I want, if they'll work how I want them to, and if I can even look like the normal guy I want to be, instead of a lost little girl.

    151. I want to become a guy, but I don't think my girlfriend will understand the differences between a transman and a from-birth man. (We've only talked over the net, and she thinks I'm a guy on the outside.) Should I just never tell her, or wait for her to bring it up once we meet?

    152. I would just like to say that there is something very wrong and very right here. The transgendered people are very right, the bible campers are very wrong. Why were you looking at this anyways? If it's so wrong, then why are you taking your sweet time writing a book about it? You obviously don't realize what being a transgendered person is like, and people like you don't help. I know I can't change your mind. All of you people supporting the transformation I just want to let you know that you made my day:):)

    153. I have read through all of these posts. I appreciate the pain and strife that those who have endured SRS go through, and I feel that they are blessed to have the opportunity to remedy their bodies to start healing their souls.

      I am a religious person and a catechist as well. I say this because I find it offensive that both the people on this site are judging the religious community according to some extremists, and that the extremists would seek out this site to hate.

      To those that judge the extremists:

      For those that judge all that have religion involved in their daily lives; religion has little to do with your education or status in life, only your ability to have faith. Faith is a very difficult trigger to pull, and those of us that are strong in our faith through the forest of doubt are truly blessed. Pointing your finger and saying, "well you religious people are uneducated, foolish, and awful for the words that are in your Bible" makes you just as one-sidedly hurtful as any of these extremist Christians. That's like saying that you can't trust anyone of Middle Eastern decent because they're all terrorists. It's just as wrong as what they're doing. There are more persons with faith in the world today than those without, it's funny how so many will throw up a faith-free image to look cooler or smarter to those that present them with the threat of hate. Faith can be hard enough for impressionable people without the additional peer-pressure.

      To the extremists:

      God has never sent anyone on a hate mission, and those that holler about the pains of hell to be upon anyone are simply making a spectacle of themselves. Just because someone does something in the name of God does not mean that God meant for them to do it. That kind of ridiculousness is self-serving and sinful. Since when did God ask you to throw yourself down in the street for all to see? These people are exercising God's gift of free will, so how do you know that it's not God's blessing that science has caught up with this need? If there is a successful surgery in your family that cures an ailment, I am sure that you attribute it to God's will and eternal love; where did God ever say "Thou shalt not reconstruct thy genetalia."?

      Please consider that neither side is giving the other credit. It's not black and white, it's a gray area. The Bible makes no direct reference to SRS, but it does about throwing stones. As a religious person, I can only find one that applies to both parties, "Let he that is without sin cast the first stone." And who said it? Now quell your harping demons Christians, for there is none of us that fits this bill. I'm sure there are some other things you can attack, like perceived homosexual childrens' icons (Ernie, Pinky Winky, etc...).

      May God bless us all, especially those considering or recovering from surgeries. We can surely live together in this world, but it's entirely up to all of us to decide the climate of the community.

    154. I believe that Adolph Hitler did the right far as the sexually deviant are concerned. I say to all you transsexuals, sodomites, and all other 'untermenschen' please do the gene pool a favor by lining up for your 'shower'.

    155. "You might want to get an AIDS test cause your wifes a dude... faggot"

      That is just one of the many, many ignorant posts on this site. I find it amazong to see how hateful people can be. It seems that its mostly guys doing all the hating - nothing surprising about that though. Guys have such fragile little egos (AND little minds to match) that they just cannot understand such a thing as a transsexual. A lot think they know all about it. Lots of comments about having the peins chopped off. OK, know-it-alls. The penis is NOT chopped off during an SRS. Get your facts straight. I just now saw this comment..."THAT PEOPLE WHO HAVE THEM ARE VERY VERY VERY BRAVE BECUASE THAT LOOKED LIKE TERRIBLE PAIN."
      Ever heard of anesthesia? It doesn't hurt. Afterwards, yas - a little. But during surgery? No, it doesn't hurt a bit.
      And for the idiot (of course - another guy) who siad that transsexuals should just admit they are homosexuals, and not get this surgery to begin with." Dumb, dumb, dumb. You see, gay men don't want women. They want MEN. I just don't understand your reasoning.
      And all the bible quoters out there. Jesus christ, wh don't you all take this so-called 'good' book and shove it up your ass? You just might like it, LOL. Yeah, I had surgery over 10 years ago. And I amnot going to heaven, or hell. Why? Because neither exist. Simple as that. I totally believe that when we die, we go six feet under the earth and we STAY there. Nothing rises up from our body to go to some pearly gates with little angels floating around all over the place - called heaven supposedly. There is not one single piece of evidence which supports that such a place exists, or that any of your religious figures you worship exist either. The only devils ot there are the hardcore religious bigots. If a devil exists, then its you people who ARE the devil. Going around acting holier than thou and all that BS. Who do you think you are anyway? You people always carry yourselves like you are so much beter than everyone else. You are no different. You people are nothing special. But you ARE haters and bigits. You are just plain weird people. Well, yo do your thing, and I'll do mine. Is that a deal? Of course it isn't a deal. You would still have to run your big mouths and shove your ways down everyones throat. Don't worry in times of hardship, the lord will answer your prayers, right? BS. Total bull sh*t. You know damn well that nothing is going to answer these lame prayers because there is no one to listen to them. Stop believing in such fantasies. You die, you get buried, end of story. There is nothing more to it. You can read these scriptures all day long, and it wouldn't make any difference at all. What a waste of time. Just like me posting this message is - a total waste of time. You wall will still believe what you want to believe, and I'll still believe what I want to believe. That's life. Deal with it. But really, stop the hate, OK? It doesn't get anyone anywhere. All you straight guys out there (funny how 'guy' and 'gay' are separated by only one letter, LMAO), nut all you so called straight guys shold get over your little minded hatefullness and homophobia. You are driven entirely by your tiny dicks. It leads you in life. It is your master. It controls YOU. Go play with it, its calling you now...

    156. God musta made half these people stupid... they knowingly came to a page to see how the sex change goes, and goes on preaching about how wrong it is.

      If God didn't want transsexuals, this surgery would not exist. This surgery is a cure, and very beneficial to transsexuals. To many people this is God's gift... It has the power to change ones anatomy to match their spirit. And I love how people preach on using God's name in vein "God didn't intend this.. i hope they die" speech gets old. No only do you people know not what God intends(cause your not God).. why are you so bent on their death? Cause they get surgery? If God make a person that can't walk so that person should never get surgery to walk again? You people are not following God's will, you people are much better off worshipping Satan, cause in reaity, that is your true Idol. God would never want God's children to die, no matter how mentally ill they are, God said God's love is UNCONDITIONAL, and even there is a erse in the Bible that says God doesn't see male nor female, only God's beloved children. It is you people that see it, andyou people that judge it. What makes you so sure that God would not take a transsexual to heaven and take you? Atleast the transsexual has learn something important. They learn about themselves. The one that God loves. These transsexuals are not worrying about you, so leave them alone, and go learn more about you. Maybe if you weren't so self concious you wouldn't judge these ALL these people like demons. Just like any othr person, some transsexuals are good, and some are bad.

    157. I have never seen a larger collection of hateful, ignorant, grammatically incorrect, racist, sexist, heartless, mindnumbing bullshit in my life. The site for the KKK wasn't this bad. Why are the so called christians on here and judging people anyways? Why is this supposedly an abomination? If it's your body do with it what you please just keep the knife away from mine. That's what's wrong with people....they concern themselves with other people's lives and decisions a bit too much. If you want to chop off or add on an appendage that's your prerogative....religion aside because it doesn't always apply.

      FYI- This is the message of a sane strong intelligent educated spiritual nonreligious multi-ethnic lesbian feminist who was raised in the bible-belt. Feel free to direct your hatemail to me instead of to people who already have enough to deal with emotionally.

    158. God has nothing to do with what sex you are. It's science. It's all up to the male's sperm. If you were born into a female body, and you feel like a male, you have the right and ability to change it. The whole God argument - I think God would be happy knowing that you are happy being the person you want to be. Why would God hate the confused? If you believe you were born into the wrong body, I say do what's going to make you happy.

    159. i truly feel eric has said it right

    160. wow. these are very graphic photos. but if someone is willing to go through these procedures, all the best to them. to all those who who are bible thumpers and homophobics, leave these people alone. focus on YOUR OWN lives! if you want to go through life with hate and fear, go right ahead. you have every right to. but keep it to yourself. remember what you were always taught as a kid? "if have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." i'm not saying that you have to agree with what they do. but disagree and leave it at that. don't sit there and spew hatred. i thought that god's message was to love thy self and spread the word of compasssion and understanding? and to the guy that stated that he hated gays, do you hate lesbians as well? most pornos have lesbian sex scenes. but i guess that doesn't matter. right? only when it is 2 men or when the lesbians are not "hot", then it's a "sin". right? sorry, but that's called being a HYPOCRIT. if you hate gays that much, ok then. but keep it to yourself. most of the time when someone is so against homosexuality, they turn out to be homosexual themselves. they have just been shamed and been made to feel "ugly" and "disgusted" by it. and just an FYI, homosexuality exsists in the animal kingdom. monkeys, penguins, and many others have been known to exibit homosexuality. and animals have been around longer than humans AND organized religion. so there you go. but i hope all you who are hate filled find peace in life and i wish the same to those who agree with me. we all have our own demons to battle and the only one who can change you is you. :)

    161. oh. and to make things clear to those who think sex changes are dumb, wrong, sinful, etc. these people who choose to do these porcedures have to go through very extensive psychological, emotional, and physical tests to makes sure they are ready for it. it's not like a boob job or face lift. you can't just stroll in and get a sex change on a whim. and to those who are thinking about getting this procedure, make sure to think things through CAREFULLY. i know 2 people who have gone through this procedure(both male and female) and it took a LONG time to finally get it done.

      p.s. best way to disarm an enemy is with knowledge, compassion, and kindness. :)

    162. Dont you all realize this is a medical site and you should not be posting your opinions about what people are doing?
      by the way, wtf does god have to do with it?
      If you are an christian you should have compassion and treat others with kindness. Your anger and judgement of others really shows you are not truly chrisitians. Jesus would not support your actions or words.
      by the way im an athiest buddhist

    163. by the way why on earth would the author of this blog allow such horrible things to be said on this site? dont transgendered people have enough rotten comments to deal with in thier NON MEDICAL lives? this is a medical site. get ur priorities straight

    164. wow. there are some comments here that are very mature and smart. seriously, this whole surgery thing looks really painful and difficult, I'm amazed that we can get such good results. as for God, well, don't bullshit us with DNA, I know that's not in the bible. God gave us free will and as long as we love ourselves and others I believe he's ok with what we do. if surgery helps these people to love themselves and others a little more, so be it.

    165. To all of you BIBLE USERS AND WHO EVER....The King James Version says Jesus Christ Died On The Cross for ALL SINS!!!!!!! DO you GET IT!!!! No One Knows all the ANSWERS and I'm getting SICK OF THIS. YOUR NOT JESUS OR GOD AND WHY NOT LEAVE THEM ALONE IF THEY BECOME GAY OR LESBIANS OR WHO EVER, what right do you have on this PLANET TO JUDGE!!!!!! If you don't like it then, what are you going to do about it anyway. People of our planet just won't quit and hurt others, how would you like it if they said your a #$%^&$, you wouldn't like that at all. C'mon WAKE UP AND GET A LIFE> IT'S There Choice anyway and if that's what they desire or need to do.....Then STOP MOANING AND PUSSYFOOTING AROUND. You all have better things do with your lives than putting other people down. So what if they have SEX CHANGES or WHATEVER. JUST STOP IT NOW AND DO YOUR THINGS YOU WOULD DO. It would be much more logical to not bother with these issues anymore!!!!!!!

    166. I hate to quote a teenage soap but I guess I will paraphrase.

      "God will judge Jack (the gay boy) as he will judge us all. What Jack needs most from you and me is love and tolerance."

      Basically for all you religious people out there, whether you believe in a God or many Gods/Goddesses, isn't what happens when you die is that the supreme being will judge you? If that's what you believe then why must you torment people while alive on earth, if you can trust that they will be tormented in hell when they die? I'm not saying that's what I believe, because it really isn't.

      But don't you think that God will judge YOU for being hateful and hostile to people here on earth? Even if "He" is against certain activities (such as homosexual tendencies, seeing your uncle naked and eating shellfish) "He" is also for loving everybody and for peace. Being hateful creates war. In fact, religion creates war. Anyways remember that not everyone believes as you do, and if you are right and there is a god that will judge us all, does it really matter whether we believe? We will be punished, so you don't need to do the punishing here on earth.

      Eternal damnation is a big threat, but it's not yours to make.

    167. For those of you that had this operation you are already hell bound...that's right there is a heaven and hell and I am not judging you but society will...If this was a way of life don't you think that there would be laws for this...well there isn't...your trying to get same sex marriage laws approved and it's not all argue more than straight couples and it just not right yes I said it and I have a right to my own opinion and God created man in his own image and created women from adams rib...and trust and believe God doesn't make mistakes so if you were born a man or woman then that's what God intended for you to be...Satan is the one who puts thost thoughts into your head and for the person who said that you all have a reprobated mind that's true because you are believing a lie (which is you thinking that you are something that your not) whether than believing the truth (that how you are born is what you are) and that's the God will forgive but when you change what he(GOD) created then your calling him a liar and he(GOD)is none of like said those of you that do this are hell-bound...God did not make hell for man he made it for the devil and his angels and if you go it is because you chose to.

    168. thats the prob now...everyone is in everyones bus...nobody told you fucking breeders to stop having kids you cant take care of...grow up and live life..not die early

    169. Those who thinks that people that do this are sick must have some pretty big issues... I think that whatever makes you happy, go ahead and do it... If you very best friend came and told you he wasn't happy, and would like to be a woman and have surgery, would you ban him from your life? Burn him on the stake like a witch? I think it's so sad that people are so judgemental, we have more serious issues in this crazy world to deal with, than people making their life better and happier, so lighten up people... We're all here on this planet for a looooong time, we might as well try to get along right??
      Michelle from Denmark

    170. i am so sick and tired of people thinking they know what god wants. Doesn't the bible say that god made man in his own image. I'd like to believe this because that means he is not perfect. he swears, farts, cheats, laughs, cries and maybe he may have been a she. food for thought.

    171. im a male to female transgender needing help with the srs if you know of any program were i can get my srs im all done except for my srs if so let me know thanks again great page lots of good comment.

    172. Honestly, I cannot believe some of the things that are being said on here. Some for, some against, and the rest are simply ignorant.

      Its obvious to me that posting my true feelings on this sote will be nothing more than a waste of time. But, let me say this. I am a transsexual. Pre-op, post-op? It doesn't matter. Either way,my comments would draw critisism from someone out there.
      But one thing really makes me curious. Its not the macho boys with their precious little toys between their legs that bother me. You idiots are everywhere. You are so blind to reality it just amazes me how you can get through life being so damn stupid. Whatever.
      The thing that is so odd to me is all these religious fanatics on here posting about god, the bible, scriptures and whatever else.
      Let me ask you this one question, OK? WHY are you on this site in the first place. I mean, what brings you here? Are you looking for porn and just happened to end up on this site so you decided to blast people with your god is great bullsh*t? Well, however you got here - go away. Stay away. I don't go to your sites and post anti jesus comments. Why are you here blasting us?
      Just a thought, for what its worth.

    173. all in all, its nothing more that a messed up penis/vagina, LOL, eewwwwwww

    174. "Transtesticals should all be shot on site. If some faggot bastard who got a sex change hit on me I will kill the sick bastard."

      WRONG, as*hole. I would kill YOU first.

      "God will forgive but when you change what he(GOD) created then your calling him a liar and he(GOD)is none of like said those of you that do this are hell-bound"

      Wow, where do you people get all these fairy tale ideas from. God? Satan? Heaven and hell? When you die, you are going six feet under. You aren't going anywhere else. Please...prove to me this god you speak of really exists, OK? You read it somewhere, or someone told you its true, so it must be, right? Ooohhhh, we are going to hell, huh? Fu*k off, moron. god hates your type...

      "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of a woman, burned in their lust one towards another..."

      Are you a person who thinks women are here for nothing else but to fu*k and have your dumb little brat kids and raise them while you play king of the mountain the whole time? Another loser...

      "Anyways as "ya can read" i disapprove of these "Sex Change Surgey" procedures, but why the fuck would ya listen to what a 16 year old student-athlete with a promising life has to say right? Because ya ain't got nothing better to do like me"

      Hey, little idiot.... I have much more in life to do than you will ever have. a 16 year old punk is what you are. Go to your room before I kick your butt, you moron.

    175. I think this discussion has really gotten out of hand. It's true, according to the bible we are not suppose to judge others, for good reason as we have enough trouble controlling our own emotions. I am not a 'Religious' person I do consider myself spiritual. It's important to realize that religion is meant to be a moral guide for all so we aren't all walking down the street doing flocks of sheep in our neighbors yards. I do feel that one can look at our universe and really see there something very spiritual going on. God, or certainly something of that nature. I also think this issue is more about science. I would say it breaks down into two catagories, Nature, and Nurture. Basically someone who "Doesn't" have a choice of being gay and someone who has chosen to live that lifestyle. My question for the person who has felt like a woman in a mans body all of their life or vise verse. If a scientific breakthrough was discovered and you could with a relatively simple procedure "Change" the life long feeling of being the opposite sex, who you take this procedure? I think the people who are answering yes to this question are most likely people who can't help it and is no different than any other disease that is treatable. I think one thing that is confusing about much of this issue is that, why are people just 'Accepting' it without question? I mean, most likely if you have an overwhelming feeling such many 'Gays' have stated, why is there no talk of a cure? Or research on this issue to find the cause of the feeling? I don't ever seem to hear any type of that discussion? Just a though here.

    176. Whoa! I just came across this website & it caught my eye so i decided to check it out..& i am soo suprised at what people are saying on here.
      Yes i suppose these are all just opinions but for all you people that have your heads burried in a know closed minded people that are so quick to open their mouths when conversation is should really just stay readin that bible. Im not that religious but do believe that God loves unconditionally & I dont think that religion was meant to nit-pick at people for the decisions they make in their own lifes. Its the 21st century people..& the reality of this situation is, is that no matter how much you try to speak out against the subject, its already happening & will advice to anyone who has or is thinking about going through with this: Do what makes you happy & if it makes you happy do it! Good Luck!:)

    177. I think it's normal for people to feel trapped in the wrong bodies because I myself feel i should've been born a woman....I'm currently dating a female who used to be a male and there is nothing wrong with that....God is the only one who can judge me and her..So if you judge us then you are breaking a then you wouldn't be a person of god then would you????

    178. First I am going to defend my being transsexual, then I'll follow my defending my being blue eyed and caucasion, right! I grew up downtown Bible Belt. It made my acceptence of my transsexuality difficult, but I have gained many positive outlooks in balancing my TS with my spirituality. The odds of being born TS are extremely low, meaning I am a select number. Apparently there must have been some higher purpose in this fact. Throughout history there have been those that have been persecuted for their differences. The lepers were persecuted in Bible times because they were thought to be unclean. Now we know they suffered from Hansen's Disease..., I think that's the name. Anyway, as we become more enlightened we realize the barbarism of our past. Remember the Salem Witch Trials. These poor, obviously uneducated, posters have a very stunted view of a very loving, all knowing God. Think about it, they are trying to support an idea that even though God made us in the exact fashion in which he did, he spits upon his creation, how absurd. Grow up people, God isn't prejudiced or hate oriented.

    179. that looks very painful & unreal. i just wanted to see it for me curious...i just real like if U wanna do it, it's fine w/'s not effecting me...but when folks call themselves women who are not women - it rubs me the wrong way, as a woman. born females R the only females to me. that's the only thing i do have a problem with. at least call yourselves: new women or something !! cause at the end of the day - i am a woman not some man, post surgery.

    180. this might a little long , but please take the time to read it.

      i am not judging anyone just staing facts and evidence..

      for the religous ones who say GOD this and that, like they actually had a interview with God on this matter. Lets look at history. There was a time saying the earth was round was against God, That if you believed the body was made up of molecules that was wrong, if someone had a eye problems someone sinned, if your sister, mom, or wife had a period she had to leave for 7 days then goi to talk to a priest to be let in. that if your daughter made you angry you could sell her into slavery, also good for the wife. if you really look at the progression of the first human, the first human was intersexed. in psalms God has breasts. Psalms also says he will be a mother and father to those without one. if you wore a garment with mixed fabric it was a sin. and if you worked on the holy day it was sin, but you go to dinner somewhere after church.

      to those that think someone is gay and that is why they are doing this. wrong. gender and sexual orientation to different things. someone can be straight and go through the operation and many that are gay alot of times there doctor will not sign off on the many legal letters that it takes for this operation. also you have to be mentally stable. so those who say you have to be insane for this, no. there is a system of care called the harry benjamin standards of care that have to be followed. before any major surgery for some one who is transgender and becoming a trans sexual. i could go on but no.

      to those that said this is not natural. well in nature which is the root of natural. there are animals, fish, clams, frogs, and other mamals that do change sex.

      in non puritan societies, meaning any society other that was not started by our founding fathers, they respect as holy that battle with this. most of the first tribes on north america and south america gave high prestige to people that were what you call freaks. and one if you go to wikipedia was an amazing woman for peace between us and the zuni tribe. in other tribes it is the same thing. alot of tg or ts people are found to be highly educated, higher in iq and strong thinkers.

      for those that think a woman is someone who has to give birth to make her a woman, look a certain way, marry a certain way, have a certain career. do your homework. if a lady is barren does that make her a man or if a guy cant get it up of his sperm count cant help his partner get pregnant is he a woman. to be a man or a woman is so much greater than what we do in obligation. it is a powerful reality. it takes faith. and understanding to know.

      now let get personal. for the guys that feel this wrong. the biggest reason is because. most guys can understand why a man would want to go socially down the ladder. be the lesser sex, be more submissive. make your dinner, wash your clothes and take care of your children. it is not 1950 any more. did you know most men still see there spouse as property. and that is why the wife takes the husbands name. there are manty things in history that we do and we do not question them. if we look at society now. ladies are becoming a true egual. hmmm the bibical defination of a mariage is a helpmate meanng eguals. and before you throw paul said man is above woman. keep it in context as "christ is the head of the church" so do you treat your partner like christ loves us. or do you get mad at the honey do list. do you love her unconditionally. not getting angry at her. forgiving her always and right away. in the marriage bed. is it always enjoyed or do u rush and not let her have real equal enjoyment.. that way she does not have to fake it...

      and now lastly.
      to say aything that is deorgritory, bigited,and just off the top of your head and be just on opinion about anyones race color creed gender or sex without doing your research, taking time to know the person, breaking with them, laughing with them. really does show a non evolution of human learning. and did not jesus say love those that are not like you, make disciples, not scream as a terroist and force a convert. if you believe in jesus. what would he really do? keep your answer in context to everything he did. and for those are humanist. you have an obligation of scientific study and human understanding or we become no dfferent than any dictator, terrorist, or what you say you hate.

      please take time to really undertand. and maybe someone will take the time to really know you and love you.

    181. i am a man who doesnt want to be a woman but i want a vagina. i wonder how weird you think i am, i didnt choose to want to remove my penis, i just dont want it

    182. well, to those who say god put people on this earth as they should be. Why then is it okay for people to get augmentation surgeries for breasts. Are they not changing themselves as well? Why can people get face lifts and botox treatments. Hmmm, just some food for thought. Hypocrites.

    183. wow its insane i dont agree with sex changes but people can do what they want but they still arent a woman they dont have all the proper organs that women have so they are basically half but they want to be fully woman thats my opinion and to all those bible bashers you give a bad name to christians when you judge people all the time... respect people's ideas

    184. English:
      This is a 3rd species of human being which violates the intimate right of women.
      And I think that the women has their turn should be opposed has this intimate volation of the rights by this 3rd human species.

      Ceci est une 3eme espece d'etre humain qui violent le droit intime de la femme.
      Et je pense que les femmes a leur tour devrais s'opposer a cette volation des droits intime par ces 3eme espece humain.

    185. Hello my name is not important, but what i have to say is. Im 19 years and im in love with a transgendered women. Im a lesbian and the fact that she wants to get ride of what I consider to be the most beautiful thing in the world, her women body, kills me. I mean I used to be a very religous person but I couldnt take the churches bashing gays any more, i mean when they are the ones that have the male pasters that rap little boys. Um im pretty sure thats gay. So when i herd that my girlfriend really wanted to be a man it hit me hard and it took me while to fully understand where she was coming from. But finally I did. i read everything on the computor that i could and i get it now. Its not the fact that you know they need all the male or female orgins, its the fact that they just want to feel whole, complete, and its said that they have to change there outsides so people wont judge them or make fun of them. And people who do make fun of them are mean mean people. And they should be ashamed of themselves. Because im in love with a transgendered person.. and you know what i will love her man or women. and i think thats amazing that love can truly concur all.. i love you baby..

    186. As much as all this is trully amazing....and confusing....l'm glad that in the end everybody gets to be who they wanna be.....who r we to judge?They're probably happier than any staraight person out there....wat l wud give to be that determained and brave....thumbs up to them.....don't hate the player,hate the game!!!!!!

    187. Why is everyone so judgmental? To everyone that claims to be christian why are you posting hateful comments? Your sins are just as wrong as theirs. I'm a christian also but its not my business to convict anyone for their personal choices

    188. I don't believe in any religion so all you people saying what ''god'' apparently said need to understand that what people want to do with there gender, and there own bodies is up to them, if they feel happier as the opposite sex then leave them be... everyone is aloud to do what they like to make there life happier whether it a 'bad' thing or not.
      Everyone that goes through this are very brave and very courageous.... good on them... and they need all the support they can get its a tough time going through an operation but this is more physically and mentally/emotionally hard to cope with for some people and stupid comments made by silly people that don't agree with it doesn't help!

      All I say is there able to do it if they feel it will make there life better, it doesn't concern any one else specially strangers that don't understand how they feel inside!

    189. Jeez, you people piss me off.

      Edit: This is longer than I had planned, and probably a bit disorganized, but I won't be checking it again, so consider this a warning for your own time, and nothing more.

      Now, I'm on this site because I've been trying to find some information to help my roommate decide whether or not he really and truly wants a sex change operation. He doesn't actually have any form of gender identity disorder, and despite that his jackass of a doctor put him on estrogen without so much as a consultation.

      My main reason is to try and convince him not to go through with it, and my hunt got a jump start since he just got back from changing his name.

      But the reason I don't want him to go through with it ISN'T because I disapprove of the process or the mindset that justifies it. MY reason for wanting to prevent him from going through with it is that he doesn't actually HAVE that mindset, and if he doesn't realize it until after he gets the surgery, he will wind up one of the 2% of post-gender reassignment surgery who are miserable because of it. That's not a theory or a guess, but an eventuality.

      But that's just how I happened across this site. YOU PEOPLE PISS ME OFF THOUGH.

      You REALLY think you're right when you tote your Bible around and smack people with it for doing something you disagree with? Here, how about this. Read a few lines from it, why don't you?

      Here, let's start with the New Testament, specifically JESUS' CONDENSATION OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS:

      Commandment 1:
      Jesus says, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."

      Commandment 2:
      Jesus says, "You shall love your neighbour as yourself."

      JESUS KNOWS BEST. Don't make him look like an idiot by sacrificing his life to absolve you of your sins.


      No chance any of you dumbass bible nuts actually read the thing? Well, even if you didn't...this should ring a bell.

      John 8:7, back by popular demand...


      So, if anyone here who has a problem with this "sin" HASN'T sinned in their lives and is absolutely certain that they never will, go ahead and bitch all you want without complaint from me.

      Now, for the people who actually EXIST.

      You are fucking idiots. If ANYONE was without sin, why would your fictional Jesus character GET HIMSELF NAILED TO A FUCKING CROSS to absolve us ALL of them?

      And yes, to all you people who complain since I just said Jesus was fictional, which effectively translates into "God is fictional," that IS exactly what I meant. Do you know why I said that?

      BECAUSE THE BIBLE IS A FUCKING BOOK OF FAIRY TALES. IT'S BEEN TWO THOUSAND YEARS, PEOPLE. The stories in the Bible and most other texts of similar age were WRITTEN for two basic purposes: to allow the Church or corresponding religious body's leadership to have some form of control over the followers, not necessarily in the "slave and master" sense, but in the "avoid anarchy" sense, and to explain the things that nobody at the time understood, like air, childbirth, and disease.

      Again though. TWO. THOUSAND. YEARS. We KNOW how disease works. We KNOW how childbirth works. We KNOW how air works. We know all kinds of things, and can prove them to any one of you bible thumpers RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES, if you ever opened them. People can SHOW you examples of evolution over the course of weeks or months with organisms that reproduce quickly enough for it to be observable. You can SEE that modern medicine works, and if you want to you can even see why and how.

      I knew a nun who thought along the path lines of something summarized by this concept: "If I break my arm, I believe God wanted me to break it. I also believe that He wants me to go to a hospital and get it in a cast."

      It's not your place to judge in the place of God. You don't get to CAST the dice, you just make do with what you ROLLED. Get used to it. Until the day when you BECOME God, don't think you know what he thinks.

      I won't waste any more time making this already-very-long post longer by copying and pasting just about the entire set of biblical texts, verbatim, and explaining what does and doesn't make sense to anyone with half a brain, partly because I'm tired, and partly because I'm guessing that the people this post is intended for aren't gonna read very far past the first sentence anyway. But hey, at least I tried. If you read it and you decided to try and use the seed of THINK FOR YOURSELF I've tried to instill in you to learn to make your own judgment calls instead of hiding behind a book of fairy tales, good on ya. If you don't read it, good on ya. If you read it and don't feel like changing, good on ya. If you read it and respond with a comment intended to bash me, good on ya. Truth to tell I don't really care, and I'm not going to come back and check for replies, so the odds that I'd see a response are virtually nonexistent anyway. But if it makes you feel any better, whatever. As per my philosophy on life in general, "it's your life; it's your call." As long as you're willing to suck it up if you decide your decision sucks later, I won't likely complain.

    190. Wow you faggots are going to burn in hell, there is a special circle just for you.

    191. another one who thinks he is god ^^ GOD will be the judge of them. not you. so don't condemn people to hell.

      it seems that most of the hate comes from the bible people. it's sad really, making Christians look bad...

      It is obvious you have no empathy or understanding. YOU have no idea what someone is going through mentally or emotionally , who the hell do you think you are judging people?

      and yes..brave indeed

      Oh and don't forget!!! Serve god with your hearts not by tradition.

    192. I want to fuck a mtf and a ftm. Is that bad?

    193. PLEASE IF U DONT TAKE THE TIME TO READ ANY OF THESE COMMENTS PLEASE READ MINE BECAUSE I REALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY IT MAY LOOK LIKE IM TALKIN SHIT IN THE BEGINNING BUT IT GETS BETTER AND I WAS JUST A LITTLE BIT PISSED OFF..... SO HERE GOES......first of all this is crazy as fuck because i had no intentions on leaving any comments or anything like that , but the other day on sex change hospital me and my sister was lookin at it and was like damn i wonder what the shit look like when it is all said and done now i know and this shit is CRAZY AS FUCK MAN!!! so i start off by sayin to the idiots on here who are coming up with all these excuses and reasons for this sex change bullshit yall are really fucked up in the head... and for the ultimate idiots who are talkin shit about jesus you fuckers are going to burn in hell for eternity god gave these doctors the knowledge and power to help people for the good of mankind not for the good of mankind and to those who want to experiment on themselves or to satisfy this flesh just because a doctor can perform it doesnt make it right ......this shit is ludacris suppose some crazy shit happens to ur ass in the long run that the doctor told you was 99% proof then what... yea i know what your even more fucked up than you was before your change.... all because you want to be a woman or felt like you was a woman from the start... uhhh no, no, and no yo ass was exposed to some shit that you had no business lookin at or a relative or friend was malesting you one or the other i dont give a shit what u say that is not good enough for me and im not here to change anyones mind or make like im holier than thou but i am a christian AND RIGHT IS RIGHT AND WRONG IS WRONG!!and it is what it is just here to set the shit straight..... hate it or love but you gotta respect it i believe when you do shit like this you were probably the blacksheep of the family and felt like you had something to prove and also probably was highly picked on in school which is by the way not right no one has the right to make anyone feel less of a person because there not like you but like i said must of thes people with this outlandish think was being premiscuious and now you just fulfilling an lustful tell that bullshit to somebody else who really believes it and for you other retards who believe you walking around on your own might or evolution or whatever the fuck you call it your crazy as hell too!! its by the grace of god your still standing and my jesus is soon to return and he is gonna come in the like a theif in the night when u least expect it so while u tryin to justify mutilating urself get fuckin real youll never know what it feel like to be a REAL WOMAN LIKE ME ON THE OTHER HAND!!! so why bother tryin to make an image that isnt real.... because i sat and read the shit people left and it was embarrassin ...i mean u will never be able to have children of ur own because of your own selfish reasons noone to carry your name instead yall want to go with adoption and kurupt these innocent children lives who havent even gotten and chance to make there own decision on what there sexual preference is or what it should be i mean like they said in school god made adam and eve not adam and steve..... lol but i dont have a problem with gay people one of my good friends is gay but i do have a problem when they make excuses for some of this fucked up shit that they are doin there their body .. your body is your temple and you should respect it and guard it ... and these reasons that i have seen this evening is messed up i havent ever been more upset at what i have read and saw in all my life it pass the point it reminds me of a fuckin lifetime movie gone totally wrong lmao!!... when you do shit like this you have a problem with yourself something no shrink or doctor can cure but god and hears all prayers and delivers all people gay straight mental you name it so think about love a lil bit of that BE EASY YALL!!!!JESUS SAVES AND LOVES U ALL

    194. Well I don't know if anyone is coming here anymore, but this is my opinion, and most people will back me up on this. We trans people are probably the most brave people in the face of the earth. We brave each day, sometimes knowing (probably the younger ones)that who we are doesn't match up with who other people perceive who we actually are. Now I don't know much about the bible or very much of the Christian religion, but I know that God loves all, even if we can't always fit in a man-made's society of a gender binary system. In my personal view and I know I'm right (I seriously don't say that often, I'm pretty much a self-doubter)the brain makes who you are, (soul, ego , persona) without your brain you are not human, so if your brain, and your thought process is male dominated you are male, I guess that's all I have to say, be safe,

    195. It is scientific fact that people are born with many different anomalies.

      The world is full of diversity, flowers, rocks, weather etc.

      Humans are the same. It is proven that in fact, dna is involved. Also many other parts of the chemistry of the body are.

      I am a Jehovah's Witness, and as you know we are known to know the Bible.

      The two most important things it says are: Love God with all your heart and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself.

      All I know is being a humble, strong christian who indeed makes mistakes, is these people who struggle with this would never choose to have this challenge.

      No one is to judge anyone else. What if you were born with a cleft pallet or ambiguous genitalia? Does that make you an abomination?
      The bad in the world does not come from the creator.

      We have to learn to take care of our own path and simple love others without judging. For me, I look at a persons heart before I see anything else.

      If anyone calls themselves a child of God and does not have love among themselves, they do not honor the same father I do.

      Please all of you who struggle with this, you are so worthwhile, you have a right to make your own choices. And guess who gave us free choice?

      I mean as far as surgery or whatever.

      Hugs, just a simple country lady

    196. i think maybe yous who dont agree shouldnt be lookin at this site and you people are the ones tat should jump off a cliff for tryin to hurt peoples feelings n break der spirits because u dont agree wit it all i can say is carma!!!!
      noone is perfect but people can change themselves to make them feel complete otherwise they would be miserable...
      yas are jealous of these brave people whos lives mean so much to them they are willing to go thru a life changing ordeal to be happy...
      ya's should all be ashamed of yourselves...
      im not happy wit my boobs and was thinking of having them done...
      im definitly havin it done now thanks to all u haters...
      get on with ur own sad lives n leave these amazing brave beautiful people alone.............

    197. To all you Bible haters out there,sharrap!!!!!!!
      There is still freedom of speech and just becos someone finds it wrong cos of his/her beliefs doesn't mean he or she can't express it.You talk of open-mindedness.For what? A freak show? Bottom line,believe what u want and be 'open-minded' for whomever u want.Just don't sit on your "low horse" and force everyone to agree with u or feel silly for making a faith-based criticism.Someone said it's God -fearing pple who are terrorists.The last time I checked,non-believers in any religion have murdered,raped,kidnapped,committed suicide and been terrorists too.It's not "some pple" u simple -minded,biased and pretentious pple up in here.It's every evil person in this world,no matter his/her beliefs.You talk of acceptance yet,reject someone based on their faith.Hypocrites! There are two ways to go here;either u like it or u don't.I don't and I don't care if someone does.Don't force pple to accept ur opinion cos u think it's ok to undergo a sex-changing surgery.When u point a finger at someone,rem that three more are pointing at u!!!!! And oh,if you can't quote the Bible correctly,don't quote at all "mr/miss Jesus had a prostitute in his family." "rolls eyes"

    198. Its so funny that all the people on there that have commented about "what God thinks is right" or those of you who want to quote passages out of the bible, here are some for you:

      Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. Do you suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself—that you will escape the judgment of God?

      John 3:17 ESV

      You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

      Matthew 7:1-29

      If any of you have read the bible, you know it is a complete contridiction of itself. I whole heartedly believe in God and that he sent his only son, Jesus to die for our sins, but the bible was not written by God himself. It was a bunch of guys sitting around who said hey, i think a man lying with another man is gross, lets put it in here that God said its wrong, but lets turn around and write that everyone shall love everyone... You people who are so quick to cast negative judgement are the epitomy of hypocrite. Remember, when you are out there doing the hypocritical things you do, God has an eye on you as well. Just remember, God didnt create hate, and think about what you might have to answer for in your life when you meet your maker...


    Feel free to post comments on whatever you think about surgery or anything.

    Hair Transplant

