Cosmetic Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Botox, Tummy Tuck, Breast Implant and Augmentation, Hair Transplant, Brow Lift

  • Wednesday, August 1, 2007

    Breast Implants & Augmentation

    There are various breast enlargement procedures available, but silicone breast implants are still the number one favorite. In the United States alone, over 200,000 women may have breast augmentation surgery each year. This cosmetic surgery procedure has become very safe and convenient for most women who desire larger breasts. There are a few regulations concerning breast implants in the US presented below:

    US breast implants - regulations
    Here is a set of regulations passed by the FDA in regards to silicone breast implants:

    1. Replacement or revision of saline implants

    2. Tuberous breast deformity

    3. Congenital breast reconstruction

    4. Breast augmentation to the opposite breast for symmetry

    5. Augmentation with a breast lift (mastopexy)

    6. Severe asymmetries of the breast

    7. Breast cancer reconstruction

    Breast enlargement is, no doubt, one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures. However, many women wonder if the breast augmentation procedure is worth it, especially on a long run. Some fear that the breast implants will not last and they will begin to leak. Although this does happen, it is a very rare phenomenon. Most women who have gone through breast enlargement surgery didn’t experience any problems with their silicone breast implants.

    Replacing breast implants

    You will never have to replace your breast implants unless you come across a problem with them. Most breast implant replacements are made because the patient wants a new shape or size for her breasts. Although leakage and asymmetry are also among the reasons, they are very rare when compared with the conscious requests of the patients to modify their breast implants.

    Incision types – which one is the best
    While the inframammary incision is the most popular, other types of breast enlargement incisions should be considered. The crease incision has the huge advantage of leaving a minute scar that is barely noticeable. A transaxillary breast incision gives surgeons less control on where to implant the silicone. Incisions around the areola heal faster, but the abundance of nerve endings in the area made many surgeons feel that changes in tactile sensations might be present.

    Breast Implant sample demo

    More on implants? Read Breast Implant Information
    For Images see Breast Implants and Augmentation Photos


    1. I have always been so insecure with my body. I have 2 children, and I am a single mom. I hate my breast (38 C) and I want to cut my tummy off!
      You work is beautiful, and I wish I could afford to have a tummy tuck and breast aug done.

    2. i love the boobs at the top!


    Feel free to post comments on whatever you think about surgery or anything.

    Hair Transplant

